Ventilation? Placement of fans

I am working on a closet CFL setup. I am going to use a shelf already in my closet. I plan on installing a sheet of plywood to close of the shelf.

I was just wondering what the best placement of fans would be for the best ventilation. Should I put intake fan on bottom-left corner and exhaust on top-right? I also have a clip on fan. Any ideas for the maximum efficiency?

Once again, I only have one "false wall" that I can cut out of. I am thinking about attaching a couple door hinges so the false wall can just swing open for access.


Active Member
exhaust on top and freash air on bottom,if you can only cut into the plywood your installing i would put a fan close to it to the intake to blow the air so your outtakes not sucking it up


Well-Known Member
just to air sinks air rises.... ventilate accordingly.

your idea of on the bottom left in and out the top right looks correct.

good luck.