Ventilation/Odor question!


Whats up guys, I am new to growing and the forums for that matter. Just a newbie question, I have a 2'7x2'7x5'11 grow tent. Keep in mind I do not fully understand the exhaust/ventilation system in these. But there are 3 holes for fans on each side of the tent towards the bottom and more towards the top there are 3 more, with another one on the roof of the tent. I am still kind of confused on a good venting system. I want to do around 4-5 plants maybe less. What kind of light should I use and how should I keep it vented? I was thinking of 250 watt light but im not completely sure. What venting system should I use and how should I control the odor. Keep in mind I am in a 1 bed apt!

Thanks! :-o


Really? I have heard ALOT of people doing it in 1 bedrooms with no problems, granted they had carbon filters/scrubbers and what not.

New Member
Definitely use a 400 watt, 250 just isn't enough to get a good yield from 4 or more plants. Plus the higher wattage will help to penetrate deeper into the canopy the plants grow.

Look into full spectrum bulbs, "some" of them put out less heat than HPS or MH bulbs, and you won't have to switch the bulbs when you go from veg to bloom. Plants also seem to love being grown under full spetrum, and you can usually see it in the color and health of the plant.

Use 1 exhaust fan to pull air through the light hood from inside the tent, and out the top of the tent. This will both pull the hot air out of your tent as well as cool down your lights.

Then use another fan as an intake, put this fan at the bottom of the tent as it will pull the coolest air into the tent.

Hope that all makes sense.


Well-Known Member
My $3 Carbon Filter

been thinkin of doing somethin like this myself, and hooking it up to an exhaust ducting of sorts. will take care of smell promise

or just google carbon scrubbers

there is also ONA gel. stuff works really good as well. doesnt get rid of it altogether though like carbon scrubbers.
You should also have 1 more fan that sucks the air out of the room (replaces it with the forced air in) and this fan you run through a filter

New Member
Nope, those suggestions won't help with odor.

For odor. You can of course do the charcoal filters, it is the most expensive route, but also the most effective.

You could build your own odor filter using kitty litter instead of charcoal, a method I haven't personally tried, but have heard about good results with it.

ONA gel also works pretty well, but not perfectly. Putting the ona gel in your tent is the best way to do it, as opposed to putting it outside the tent as some people do. However, you should try to put the jar up high and close to the open side of the hood so that not only does the ona gel neutralize the air in the tent, it also neutralizes the air that gets pulled out with the exhaust fan.


Well-Known Member
well...if you have a tent, id put it over my inline fan...exhaust, so that all the air comming out wouldnt smell...and you can fold those things...cram them in an area...but you be sure, if you do it like...within the next month. and its awesome...let me know because ima be the next one to make my own...haha


Okay, thats what i was curious about! It makes sense to have more than 1 inline fan but how would you connect it to a filter? The guy at the hydroponics store talked to me about a carbon filter that would just be set in the middle of the tent with a 4" inline fan on top of it. Would that work?


@GrowersBook-can you explain how you would set up a charcol filter in a 2.7x2.7x5.11 tent? You seem to be real knowledgeable -___-

@gobskii-can you explain what you mean better? This venting/odor control is so confusing to me! :/

New Member
Here you go, custom just for you! Although this is a pretty basic design, it does everything you need it to. Bring fresh air in, pull out the old hot stinky air, and cleans it in the charcoal filter. Hope you, or others find it usefull!!!

This design also keeps all fans and filters out of the grow tent so you have more room for plants. It is such a small tent, you don't want to waste that space with fans and filters.
