Ventilation? Led lighting help


Alright so I have 4 plants in a 2x4x5 tent. 1 300 w viparspectra and a 450 w viparspectra leds. I am wondering if I need ventilation and what size fan I should have? Also I will need a carbon filter. The highest the heat has been is 77. Rh is 40-50. I am using fox farm of and fox farm nutes plus calimagic. Any help would be great, this is my first grow and I just want to have the best environment for my plants.


Well-Known Member
You will %100 need ventilation. A 4" inline fan with a can filter would probably do that space well. You will also need to consider where the exhaust is going as exhausting the air back into the room the tent is in will cause temps run away on you. Basically you should be shooting for fresh air in and filtered air exhausted as far away from the tent as possible.


Thank you, the thing is tent is right near window, only 1 window in bedroom. So I have a a.c. in window rn. Should I take a.c. out and put exhaust ducting out window? But then how would I get fresh air in? Would I need another fan to suck air in a separate vent right next to exhaust? Not sure how to work it. I appreciate the help alot!


Maybe put exhaust vent right above a.c.? I can't cut holes anywhere or really do any construction.


Well-Known Member
The input can be passive, meaning you just have an open panel or port that fresh air can enter the tent. If you go that route it is recommended that the opening is x2 as big as your exhaust ducting so you'd need an 8" circle worth of passive input to match your 4" exhaust. Or you can use another fan for your intake in which case a less powerful 4" inline of some kind on the intake side will work great.