Ventilation in the room


Active Member
Good, you will see I will make a culture in coconut, I'm a bit again on the issue and I have several questions about the ventilation of the room, I state my case to see what you think. I own a 3x3m room. and 2.7 m. height, and would put plants in 1x3m. and my question is would need a Intractor, I have air conditioning (only cools the air inside the room) and E2 125 RVK L1 fan, and a guy from Growshop told me the air that come under the door would be enough , I am not convinced at all, what do you think? Other than that, my "opposition" to the issue of Intractor is to get more temperature controlled with air conditioning, If I had it I think that the cold could go away faster and the air conditioning work constantly. I do not know how much CO2 consuming plants, but would need a Intractor for me? P.D. sorry my english, I'm learning :) Thanks and greetings!


Well-Known Member
hmmm .. if I get this right ? (some picturs would help) you got a 27M3 room (27 room meter)

I belive you need a big 150mm or even 200mm outtake ventilation as a minimum ... do the mat ..

you need to changes the air inside the room evry 5 minuts (as a minimum) 1-3 minuts is better specialy if you have high tempertures ?

what I did with my room (similar size .. my extra bedroom)

was to devide the room and make a "fake" wall ..

so I made my grow room 1/3 of the hole room around 4-5 room meter (1x2 meter and celling hight 220 ccm)

I runn a 125mm outtake ventilation (285M3/hr) and it seems ok ..

and I also have a 100mm intake ventilatior (187M3/hr)

but I only use that one to help pull in fresh air from my passiv intake cannal over my window to my grow room intake ..

heat travels up .. so outtake up high and intake near the floor (cold fresh air)

hope this help ? it hard to imagen what exatly it is your in need of ?



Active Member
Thanks for reply, after read alot I have reached the following conclusion. As I have the RVK of 425m³, I will use it as extractor and going to buy the 220m³ intractor. With this I think I have the required minimum ventilation as calculated: If we change the air every 5 minutes (minimum) we have to do the following calculation: 60 min. / 5 min. = 12 times per hour. 12 times in an hour X 24 cubic meters of growing space = 288 m³ per hour and my extractor have 425m³. If I use an extractor of 425 m³ / h. (60 minutes) in a 24m3 room, I will need 3.3 min. to remove air. 24m3 x 60min. / 425m3 = 3.3 min. 60min. / 3.3 min. = 18 times per hour (I'm renewing now slightly above the minimum, but having the least renew the filter and the filter really stops the entrance of air) So in summary, I will renovate 12 to 18 times at hour approximately, ( I'll be just above the minimum) I think I'm going to purchase a 220m ³ Intractor to use as Intractor and go. In the future, if I see the need and I can afford I'll buy the exhaust 720m ³ to renew every 2min. which is perfection. Tell me if Im wrong, regards :) P.D. by the way, the apart dots do not work, don't know why