Ventilation in Hydroponic Systems


Hey guys, there's some very informative advice here but I'm just wondering;

Currently for ventilation I just have an oscillating fan in my grow tent. However, when I need fresh air (and to dispel the smell using a carbon filter), I plan to buy an extractor fan. However my setup is not in a basement or such, but in my room which is upstairs. My window looks out onto the whole estate upstairs, so I'm wondering if I could buy another fan that blows air directly into the extractor fan, which would be connected to my grow tent.

Basically, I can't have a duct connected outside my window or it might look seriously dodgy. So any other ideas for air circulation?

Thanks :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Invest in Co2 you have to worry way less about fresh air, no holes or hoses to run, it's just a thought...Good luck JR


Well-Known Member
Yep, Co2 or route the exhaust out your attic instead and use a passive intake. Got an AC vent in the room? Also, Co2 will not eliminate your need to deal with rising humidity. Eventually, you'll have to invest in a dehumidifier, which obviously puts off heat. Then, you'll have to route the heat from that somewhere too. The way I see it, there's no way of getting around putting an exhaust/intake hole somewhere.


Hey man. Yeah I've got an AC vent in my room. Could I hook the ducting up to that or would that mean I'd be fucked for the air I need to survive on (stupid question but I thought that thing was there for a reason)? I'm keeping the window open at all times anyway to let some fresh air in. the tent is very near it, although I have blinds down just so nobody can see in.

The temperature isn't too hot in there, because my actual climate in the country I live in is quite cold most of the time.
