Ventilation ideas/suggestions for first grow room

Aight, so I just typed out a buttload of stuff and then deleted it by accident, so here's the abbreviated, straight up version of my questions

-My room is 14 x 9.5 x 8
-My window is on the furthest small wall, it is 4' x 3'
-I am going to be using a carbon filter outtake into my attic/crawlspace (there was a hole for the duct from the previous grower/resident)
-I am using 4 600w HPS aircooled to grow with 2 tables of 4' x 8', 32 plants each (there will be a foot and a half walkway between tables)
-My grow area will be sectioned off from the rest of the room by either by plywood or white plastic sheeting, and the veg area will be in the same room, in the closet and the space left over in the other part of the room. the mums'll be in there too.
-Security/discretion is not a huge deal, but intake should be discreet. No more holes in the ceiling or floor.

So far my idea for air intake is basically a wood panel nailed up to block the window (which will be covered by a miniblind and curtain), light sealed with caulking, with a hole in the panel the size of the intake fan, with the intake fan hooked up to ducting that will feed into the grow room. I know I will need a filter for dust, etc, for this fan. The questions I have: Do I need to create a small space just outside the grow room, between it and the window, a mini room, in order to block fully block light? How big a fan will suffice? Do you have any better ideas for intake? Ha.

Unfortunately, I am going to have to figure out how to dry in this room too. Cause thats where the carbon filter will be. Oh man. Any suggestions on that are welcome.

Im slightly overwhelmed but positive it'll straighten out. Ive got an experienced grower working with me, who will probably figure this all out, but this isnt happening for a few months, and I'm obsessively planning it out.
Thanks and please, positive constructive responses only!



Well-Known Member
Sounds like we have alot of things in common. I'm in the process of building my room too, its big like yours (12'7" X 9'7"), has a closet where I'm going to veg, and has two windows. I built encasements out of plywood just like you described. They're 8 inches deep but I lined the edges with spray foam insulation instead of caulk. I also bought 3 packs of blackout cloth curtains from Walmart which I used to line the insides as an extra precaution. But if security's not a huge deal you could just tape foil or something solid to the windows, I wanted my blinds to be seen from the outside tho.

As for ventilation, I don't even plan on bringing in fresh air for the room. I'm going to draw air from another room strictly for my light system, then exhaust directly in the attic. I have a 449cfm fan that I have from like 2 years ago, and I'm not sure if this is over or underkill. We'll see how it works, it's going to exhaust 2 600s, 1 400, and 1 250 watt bulb. Bringing in fresh isn't a bad idea tho, I'm just not doing it for cost reasons. This room will be heated and cooled just as the rest of the house and I'm not trying to continuously pump that air out (I'll already be doing it with the light vent. system). Plants mostly want CO2 anyway not fresh air. And if odor becomes and issue, I might put a carbon scrubber in the room with it's own dedicated fan.

I feel your pain on the holes in the house. I've put one hole in my house so far, and I was really hesitant to do so but I think it is reversible. Idk jack about construction type work but I've seen people use putty on fist holes in drywall using only drywall putty. I used a 6 inch hole saw to drill my exhaust hole. My plan on fixing this should I ever move out is just getting another piece of drywall and using the same 6 inch hole saw, then using putty to seal it up, then paint it. Not sure if this is the best way but holes are definitely reversible, they'll just take some work.

As for drying in the same room, I wouldn't recommend it. Flowering typically mean's high humidity and you don't want that around your drying bud. You could lose it all to bud rot. Plus I don't think the light is good.

Hope this helps.
Hey, thanks for the response, nice having another perspective. And Ive thought more about the drying area and it should work out fine, since both the veg and flowering part of the room will be sectioned off entirely, leaving a small but decent amount of space to hang dry, most likely with a dehumidifier... Good looks.


Active Member
Youtube how to make a lighttrap. It is easy and can be done with wood and to cover a window and bring fresh air in too.


Well-Known Member
Shitty that you can't make just ONE hole in the wall :) You really don't want air from outside in your grow room...if Buddha decides to make it rain, your RH is going to be Nasty McNasty face. Any way to vent the door? I'd just smash a carbon filter and like a 450cfm fan with no exhaust on and let it pull air from the other side of the door with the negative pressure. Pre-Hung @ Home Deebo is like 50 bucks. CHOMP CHOMP and throw in a pass through vent near the bottom of the door.