Ventilation and Temperature Problems

Hello Everyone,
I had two set ups that recently my ventilation worked perfectly fine, both of the fans were set up above the tent to be sucking air from within the tent and expelled it out of the room (through the ceiling). Last night problems begin to occur after assembling and adding my carbon filters to the situation. Here is what I did: I took the ventilation ducting out from the ceiling where air is exits the room and set it up to the carbon filter (which came only 1-sided and I thought these things were double sided but maybe I am a noob with these filters so any suggestions are welcome), so to paint the picture of what the problem is here I have: Tent Room -> Ducting -> Fan -> Filter, with air exiting right into the room (not out of the room). Is there a way to remove the closed ends of these things so I can continue to keep moving air out of my room? Things have gotten awfully hot over the last 24 hours and I would hate to see my girls take a bad turn at this point. I would have dealt with the smell if I would have known my ventilation was at stake.


filter -duct -fan-light-duct

Dude seperate intake and out take ducts(positive preesure will make the inlet duct not need a fan). You set your shit p backwards duder
makes perfect sense - totally backwards... Now I get what they mean by sucking air through the filter rather than blowing out - noob move... Thanks for the response


Well-Known Member
I think you will find you will get better ventilation if you set up the exhaust fan as stated above. The higher the filter in your room the better.

Then set your other fan up so it blows into your tent. Indeed negative pressure inside your tent would negate the use of an inlet fan but in reality your inlet needs to be sized four times the size of your powered exhaust. Much easier to have an inlet fan.