Ventilation 101...Let's make this a sticky!

You can lol all you want but you know the main post of this thread has extremely valuable information for noobies and vets alike.If you like seeing the forums clogged with endless "cfm" and "ventilation" help posts then so be it,but it really clogs up the forums.
You can lol all you want but you know the main post of this thread has extremely valuable information for noobies and vets alike.If you like seeing the forums clogged with endless "cfm" and "ventilation" help posts then so be it,but it really clogs up the forums.
people dont read stickies .

youll still have a cluttered board of vent help posts.

ive had a FAQ sticky in support for years.
go look at the support board

92% of all threads started have every answer in my thread
That's not true.

I started growing over 15 years ago...later I joined OG and read just about every sticky and FAQ that had to do with a question I had before making a thread about said questions and I would only make a thread about said questions if I didn't find what I was looking for or I didn't understand something or everything in the sticky/FAQ's.

Once IG went down I joined ICmag and did the same thing!

It not only saved the forums from one more poster clogging up the forums but helped advance my knowledge and skill level over the years.
That's not true.

I started growing over 15 years ago...later I joined OG and read just about every sticky and FAQ that had to do with a question I had before making a thread about said questions and I would only make a thread about said questions if I didn't find what I was looking for or I didn't understand something or everything in the sticky/FAQ's.

Once IG went down I joined ICmag and did the same thing!

It not only saved the forums from one more poster clogging up the forums but helped advance my knowledge and skill level over the years.
not everyone is you
most people sign up and make a thread they dont read stickies infact id say 8/10 do that
i am by no means saying your thread isnt suitable im saying if your primary focus is to stop the clutter in this subform youll be sorely disappointed
Too much information, not original, asking for a sticky, vote = no. Are you here to get stickies or help fellow growers???

Anyone who would actually read all the info posted, could actually understand it and make use of it would have already found it themselves. Anyone posting asking for basic venting/air-flow questions wouldn't take the time to read this or wouldn't understand it. In between there are a lot of questions or people sometimes post specific questions to get second opinions or validate they're thinking/design. That's why there are so many threads (with repeating subjects/content) on this site, the latter is the most common, people want validation/second opinions, and many like to think they're problem is unique...
Well then by all means groeer go ahead and help them.You'll probably just tell someone using a 400w light in x space needs a 4" inline centrifugal without taking ambient temperature into thought.

The main post is easy enough to understand by anyone with just half a brain should they actually do their homework.

Do things half assed or follow a half assed answer and you get half assed results.

By wanting this thread stickied and it being a sticky,I would be helping others.Anyone that has a question after reading the main post and doing their homework is more than welcome to make a post.

Just tired of seeing all the "how much ventilation do I need" threads when it is all answered in the main post of this thread.
Well then by all means groeer go ahead and help them.You'll probably just tell someone using a 400w light in x space needs a 4" inline centrifugal without taking ambient temperature into thought.

The main post is easy enough to understand by anyone with just half a brain should they actually do their homework.

Do things half assed or follow a half assed answer and you get half assed results.

By wanting this thread stickied and it being a sticky,I would be helping others.Anyone that has a question after reading the main post and doing their homework is more than welcome to make a post.

Just tired of seeing all the "how much ventilation do I need" threads when it is all answered in the main post of this thread.
youre missing the point
Youre still going to see all those threads people barely read stickies they want an answer quick and fast thats all
I found your info quite interesting even though I didn't understand all of it. Now if you explain it in layman terms, remember not everyone succeeds in germination of seeds, I feel that it would benefit more people. That is when it gets attention. Thanks for taking the time to track down the info
Most people that you bitch about aren't into reasearch and thought. They want someone to just tell them, "For your setup this is the solution". Of course little or no information is provided and best advice is usually ignored as too costly or complex.

Lots of lazy people, get over it.
Hey guys, I am little confused.

In the sample "A 400 W HPS in a 3 x 3 x 4 cabinet needs 126 CFM of cooling for a 10*F temp rise above room temperature.
The 36 cu ft cabinet is ventilated at over 3 Air Changes Per Minute. ", how do you know 400W HPS courses 10F temperature rise? I am just curious how to determine the temperature rises
you've got a lot of really good info there cracker. But I agree with both sunni and snaps. Most don't read stickies.

SO your time would be better spent just answering some of the questions asked on the board.
Hey guys, I am little confused.

In the sample "A 400 W HPS in a 3 x 3 x 4 cabinet needs 126 CFM of cooling for a 10*F temp rise above room temperature.
The 36 cu ft cabinet is ventilated at over 3 Air Changes Per Minute. ", how do you know 400W HPS courses 10F temperature rise? I am just curious how to determine the temperature rises

you can convert watts to btu's pretty easy. It's almost 3.5 btu's per watt.

so that would be @ around 1360 btus/hr for 400 watts.
Joe is correct. 3.41 btu/watt/hr. Note a 400 watt bulb fed by a ballast will draw more that 400 watts since ballasts waste a bit of energy as heat. Moving hot ballasts out of your grow room helps remove some heat.