Ventilating a two compartment closet


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I have a two chambered closet, one side is a lot bigger and I will be using that for flowering, whilst the other side is a lot smaller and will be a veg chamber.

I was wondering what I should do for ventilation, do I have to have a separate exhaust system for the veg room, or can I just put an intake hole in the veg room and put a hole in the divider between the two chambers and light trap it . Thus the air will get sucked through into the flowering room and out through it's carbon filter? If I can do this, would having passive intake in the flowering room affect it at all?

Here are the specifics:

600W HPS (air cooled) in flowering room
250W CFL in veg room
Flowering room is 5.9x2.7x1.4 (HxWxD) feet
Veg room is 5.9x1.4x1.9
Using hydro
I have two 4inch extractor fans, one is for the air cooled hood, the other for general extraction through a carbon filter. Fans move 107 m3/hour

Thanks a lot for any help =)


Well-Known Member
Bump! Any ideas anyone? To me it seems like I should put one passive intake hole in the veg room, and then one hole in the divider between the two rooms and that should cover it. However I'm using a 125w cfl to veg and it does get pretty hot


Active Member
even if you trap light you will be sucking warmed air from your veg chamber, but since you have an aircooled light it shouldnt get all that hot in your flower chamber and you have a big fan. do you plan on using having only one intake on the veg side or will you be adding one in the flower chamber as well? you may have to use dampeners to equalize the air being drawn from each side if you have 2 intakes.


Well-Known Member
I was only planning on using one in the veg room and a couple in the flowering room, but if this creates problems then I'll just put a couple in the veg chamber and none in the flowering room - is that what you'd recommend?

Thanks very much


Active Member
I would use one large passive intake from the veg room into the flower room and an active intake with less cfm bringing in cool air into the veg portion. the only way to tell is trying it out. I have had to revamp my cab several times Now I just built an air cooled hood and am hoping that it will help with my heat since I fried 2 of my ladies the other day.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot man, sorry to hear about two of your girls untimely deaths! Would you recommend a passive intake in the flowering room at all?

Yeah trial and error is the best way, dont want to be making unnecessary holes mind!


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
any pics of the rooms gives me a better visual ...... i am getting ready to do the same thing but i am running 400wat hps in the flowering(thinking about adding at 250mh) and 600 wat mh in the veg.

I was just going to get a T air duc then make a whole to the outside put the T there then from both sides one goes to the flower cooltube/carbon filter the other side goes to the veg cool tube/carbonfilter ...... in the Flower room i will have a 4'' canfan sucking air threw the carbon filter then blowing the air threw the cooltube out the other side of the cooltube going threw air ducing to my T to the my veg room i will only have pc fans one on both sides of the light then air ducing to the T to go outside ( i am hoping the air flow from the flower room will help suck more air out of the veg room since the T is there)

Any one think this will work good ??

I want to draw this up but i have stuff to do if i get some time i will do it later then edit it in.

Hope this helps man just a idea.


Active Member
I say one fan pulling air from Veg box across cool tube in flower room. Active small intake in veg room to passive intake to flower room with second fan filtering flowering room. If possible I'd still throw a small active intake in the flowering room for more fresh air. All depends on how warm the air coming out the veg box is.


Well-Known Member
I say one fan pulling air from Veg box across cool tube in flower room. Active small intake in veg room to passive intake to flower room with second fan filtering flowering room. If possible I'd still throw a small active intake in the flowering room for more fresh air. All depends on how warm the air coming out the veg box is.
right so what you're saying is:

- active intake into the veg room
- passive intake from the veg room to the flowering room
- small active intake in the flowering room

Thanks for all the suggestions
just had this problem awhile ago. what I did was, place one intake at the bottom of the cab (with fan)drilled two 3 inch holes on either side of the shelf that separates the flower/veg rooms as passive intakes and then vented through the top via outtake fan/scrubber. To prevent the light from coming through the the 3 inch holes, i bought 2 three inch ABS 90's and glued them in the holes. Works like a charm.


Well-Known Member
just had this problem awhile ago. what I did was, place one intake at the bottom of the cab (with fan)drilled two 3 inch holes on either side of the shelf that separates the flower/veg rooms as passive intakes and then vented through the top via outtake fan/scrubber. To prevent the light from coming through the the 3 inch holes, i bought 2 three inch ABS 90's and glued them in the holes. Works like a charm.

Cool man, think i'm gonna do something along those lines - thanks!


Well-Known Member
sophanox I have 3 partitioned cab which I purchased & modified a few times to better control temp, humidity & airflow. Through experience with these issues I can tell you what you should do to maintain a better climate. But first I need to see pics of your cab as a whole & pics of the partitioned areas.

See my running grow journal if you would like to see photos of my cab (link is in my signature).
