ventilating 4x8x7 growtent 2000 watts


Active Member
Preface: After days of reading and searching I honestly can't find an answer to my particular question.

The grow tent I want to purchase is 224 cubic feet (8x4 & 7 feet high).

I'll run two 1000w hps in 8'' blockbuster hoods

One 8'' mountain air filter<----MA0820=360cfm OR MA0840=810cfm

Diagram of air flow:::: ---->carbon filter--->hood--->hood--->inline fan--->(Fan is outside tent sucking everything out)

Is it possible/practical to exchange my tents air AND remove 2000 watts of heat using one inline fan with a HIGH CFM? What is the most efficient design my my setup?


Active Member
oops! I posted this in the wrong section, sorry. This was meant for grow room design. Any help is still appreciated.


Go with the higher cfm less drag on your system. And it sure seems loke that will work. Even at 500 cfm yourw still replacing tbe air twice a minute.