Vegging time frame...

Im at 55 days from sprout growing white widow. (first time grow)
They are about a foot tall. I burned them a little with nutes but they are getting better.

What im asking is, what is the average time to let the plant veg before I put it into flowering???

Also, when would it be safe to take some clones??

Thanks for the assistance.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Space to grow is wats most important, next to that is how ya plan on utilizing that space. Regardless, ya dont wanna flower b4 the 3rd node (I rec waiting til the 5th if poss)
Nodes are the spots that ya see in my attached pic where the stems are growing out from the stalk. The space in between these spots are known as internodes
Wat sort of grow are ya doin and how much room do ya have?
It looks like Im at about 4 nodes if Im counting right.
My setup is a cabinet 4' wide, 5' tall, and 2' deep with only 2 plants in it and a 150 hps light.
Thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
I only veg for a week, but thats in hydro and the plants can grow 2 feet in 1 week so I usually flower them when they reach 18 inches, I usually have 3 foot tall plants at the end of harvest.


Well-Known Member
I flowered when my plants were about 15-18 inches. And now they are around 3 feet.

50 days and there only 1 foot? Sounds like u stunted them quite a bit.

My new super lemon haze will veg for 14 days.. Im HOPING I can get them to 1.5 feet in 40 days, because I want to end up with 4 feet plants.