Vegging is King


Active Member
Hi Nerds,

Getting deeper and deeper into this Nerd movement, i've been on the site for a bit more than a year and i've learned A LOT!
I'll never get back to the person that taught me all this but sharing what i can with those that know less than i do is the way other have choosed before me and i'll keep doing that whenever i can.

Time to turn to my more experienced Nerd to ask them a couple of questions:

If one thinks about the way nerds grow, we can almost consider vegging as being the most important period in the plant life. Indeed with supersoil you dont need to be worying about feeding the plant, while proper training made sure that the plant gets all the lights it needs while focusing it's energy toward the top of the plant.

Now two question:

#1 Pretty basic stuff: What would be the best lamp to use for my veg. I've been using a 250W eco-lamp so far and i must say that getting rocks throw at me for that is nothing but justice.
I'm planning on buying an extra tent, using the one i have (wich is double spaced) to do my cloning on the bottom and the veg on top. It's a 3x3x6.5 foot tent.
I'll buy a single compartiment tent that has the same dimension to do my flowering. I'll be using my eco-lamp for the clones from now on and was wandering what should i get to do my vegging?

I'm on perpetual harvest so i do have so times to work on the plant but having to add close to 4 more weeks to finish a proper mainlining sucks...I know it's all on me for using that less than decent lamp.

Now i believe Sub uses MH 400w. I was thinking about it but the drawback of those is :#1 HEAT #2 you gotta buy a full package (ballast reflector bulb) when some 400 eco lamps dont need all that.
Now i'm really shifting toward quality over quantity and as you guys say in the US "buy nice, dont buy twice" :) So i'm listening to your sound advice on what to get to do the best veg possible.

#2 More of a "trip": Sub says he doesnt like mainlinning so much because it increases his vegging time to much to his taste. Now i told you how i need even more time than the average joe to get an 8 head down and if i want to let my plant sit in a pot at least two weeks in her final pot before transplanting i think we need to come up with some kind of Super soil "veg version".

When topping once letting it grow then transplanting in 7 gallon pot, the plant will just start to tap in the super soil when it enter bloom. When working with both longer vegging and smaller pots, i dont want my plant to use the super soil while vegging: hence the need for a slightly hotter mix than a regular vegging soil.

I thought one could increase the super soil % if he knows his plant will veg longer, but super soil NPK ratio is meant for bloom not for veg...

The solution i've been working on is putting the actual super soil only in top dress a week before bloom. I would leave quite some space at the top of the pot to do so and have her veg in a soil with 1/3 of what sidewing uses in his super soil, rising the N and lowering the P.

I'm still very green though especially with super soil so if anyone would have a guess on what could the dosage be for a "vegging" oriented super soil please!
The other solution would be for me to switch to 7 gallons pots when buying the new tent and not break everybody nuts with my "out of the box bullshit" but hey it ight help others haha

Cheers Nerds!


Well-Known Member
I think Nugs covers this in the Mainlining thread. 1/4 SS during veg in the small pot and then 50/50 or less SS in the 7 gallon smarties - I think.


Active Member
Cheers man, so much info out there makes me forget about shit sometimes, i'm taking note but i've got to start putting all the sheets together in a text book rather than having all of those flying around...

Could you tell me what bulb you use for veg?



Well-Known Member
If you are worried about heat and want to keep your plants short for your tent, you should *consider* using LEDs for veg. I think it would work well for you since your veg area is fairly small. I find that my plants are far more compact than when I used a MH and there is watt for watt much less heat.


Active Member
If you are worried about heat and want to keep your plants short for your tent, you should *consider* using LEDs for veg. I think it would work well for you since your veg area is fairly small. I find that my plants are far more compact than when I used a MH and there is watt for watt much less heat.
What MH cost you in heat LED cost in you in $ but - i dont say that to be polite - i'll check it out as just like you said being veg and a smaller space it might cost way less thant those blooming LED (had check them out about a year ago but i went for a new bulb instead :p).
Any advice for the wattage with those for my space?



Active Member
I use this bulb at around 1 metre high for my seedlings, I used to use it for vegging and it was great (after my first grow I bought HPS and MH 400w and 600w lights). I can't recommend this enough as a cheap option
Damn thanks a lot that shit looks awesome! You just put in a reflector and it works? Isnt the heat to bad?

Thanks a lot, i just bookmarked the page straight away ;)


Well-Known Member
What MH cost you in heat LED cost in you in $
That is true. It is really a question of your budget and how big a deal the heat problems are to you. For me, it was a very big deal to have a 400 watt heater running in my apartment for 18 hours a day, but my situation is kinda specific. I use a 2x2 tent for veg and run a California Light Works 100 watt LED. I'd think you could get by with 200 watts of LED for veg in a 3x3 space, but someone like ReefBongwell would probably know better. (I use two 200 watters for my 3x3 flower and plan to add one more eventually.)


Active Member
That is true. It is really a question of your budget and how big a deal the heat problems are to you. For me, it was a very big deal to have a 400 watt heater running in my apartment for 18 hours a day, but my situation is kinda specific. I use a 2x2 tent for veg and run a California Light Works 100 watt LED. I'd think you could get by with 200 watts of LED for veg in a 3x3 space, but someone like ReefBongwell would probably know better. (I use two 200 watters for my 3x3 flower and plan to add one more eventually.)
The guy at my grow shop told me the 300w LED were at 700 euros so i'll be running a mh. I live in a temperate climate so the temp problem only appears during summer time. I'm at 86 degrees in my tent right now wich is not ideal...but in a couple of month things will get bacl to perfect temp for a good 6 months ;)
