Vegging Green Crack with 125w CFL closet grow and 250w MH first grow

Hey grows so just posting some pics on my amateur closet grow in my apartment at college. I got some green crack seeds from a friend, germinated six of them and planted 4 inside. Vegging under a 125w CFL, then i switched it up to a 250w MH and in a few weeks when I flower i'm going to change the bulb to a 250w HPS. Just transplanted the seedlings from their starter cups. Looking healthy to me
This is my first grow! let me know what you think

Not so sure if I'm posting the images right either

I'll attach the pics too
I'll make additional posts for my frist grow too



Well-Known Member
I would get that CFl alot closer they have stretched alot, Try and get it 2-4 inches away from the plant, Also i would repot them in a week and get alot of that stem under soil. Good luck


Active Member
I agree with webb107, get the light as close as you can without doing any plant damage, they will love the light.... Great job, keep up the good work....
thanks! ya I was afraid of burning the plants.... but the light was pretty far. With the 250w MH I'm about 16" from the plants. How's that for distance?
so this is my update. I had finished transplanting all but one of my plants into brand new Foxfarm ocean soil and they're doing great, but the one that I had in soil i had used previously for tomatoes was not doing as well. there were pests alll in the soil.... I had to cut the plant at the stem, replace the bad soil with new soil and pretty much regrow it through cloning. I did not have any rooting solution however so instead I used the water method. But I did have some rooting fertilizer for seedlings so I mixed that in with the water. I hope the plant will survive it was about 6 inches.

Other plants are doing well. Hoping I get some females out of this. I'm at the start of week 2. Pre flowers will show in a few weeks?

In the picture you see my healthy plants, still pretty small. In the corner you can see the plant i'm trying to save. The stem is submerged in the cup... that was my healthiest plant too :cry: but perhaps that means it can pull through

