vegging before you do 12/12 instead of 12/12 from seed


Well-Known Member
i typically tell people to have the plant get some veg time. why? well plants 12/12 from seed will typically only flower around week 2-3 of growing ( typically on week 3 of age). what does that mean? the 12 hours of extra light within 2 weeks would still put you on track for a 10 week grow cycle but with the extra benefit of more light to the plants thus making a higher yield and the plant would still flower around week 3.

I back this up by looking at other people grows and noticing that no one ever has anything less than 10 weeks from 12/12 from seed and most of them go to 11-12 weeks.

So essentially the reasons to do 12/12 now is
1. you have plants already in 12/12.
2. for experimentation.
3. lazy and wanna have an easy grow.

let the debate begin!!!


Well-Known Member
I grew 4 different plants at the same time on 12/12 on a challenge. What a waste. 2 strains - G13 Labs OG13 and World of Seedss White Rhino X Mazar both kicked ass in quality but the yield was pitiful. No more 12/12 from seed for me. It's less useful than feminized seed.


Well-Known Member
well Im on my fist 12/12 from seed, after I found this thread

and since I got a lot of freebee seeds Im trying a SoG with 12 plants under my 600W HPS (might be a bit to crowded was thinking about 9 plants but had room for 12 in a 3x4 row with 6L square pots, lets see)

tho I did (dunno why) start em out under my T5HO tubes on 20/4 for the fist two weeks or so, in cups before repotting them and moving them under my 600W HPS so I guess you could say I Veg em to start with and did`t go 12/12 from seed but as its my fist time I dunno if there is a different ? just seemed logical to me to give em a fast start and get some grow going and also to give em a tight nod structure with the 6500K tubes and not hit em with a 600W HPS right away, look nice no pictures sorry got lazy but I think the oldest/fist germinated plants is about 12-15" and is about 5-6 weeks old and done with the stretch and full of flowers/white hairs, looking forward to the next 6 weeks of flowering and a harvest at week 12 from seed (strain is femi violator kush and LSD from Barney's and I grow in coco with GH/Lucas Formular)


Well-Known Member
I THINK 12/12 IS USELESS...AS YOU STATED BEFORE THEY WONT FLOWER TILL 3-4 WEEKS ANYWAYS MIGHT AS WELL JUST LET THEM VEG UNDER 18/6 (fuck caps) for them 3-4 weeks so they grow bigger and then just flip. I do have some 12/12 from 2 week seedlings going but that is because i ran out of room in my veg area and has some room in my tent to i said fuck it.


Well-Known Member
I'll second that! Pretty much useless unless your growing for yourself and just don't care. I veg so my plants can establish before there flower.