Well-Known Member
That's nice, I thought you must have a big garden when I saw all those plants, I've never planted anything outside but will hopefully get a garden in a year or two. I haven't got that many plants right now but I'm also giving away some tomato clones and peper plants. I'm growing couple of plants of each vegetable to learn about them. Few months ago I wouldn't know the difference between a peper plant and a cucumber plantok i understand now. i havent even bean able to plant outside yet here, should be good to go in 2 weeks though.
and thanks, they did look way better but got a bit cold at night a few weeks back but they all are doing great now.
and ya i got quite a few, to much really. i am trying to sell some for very cheap and if not then i will just give xtras away to a community garden or some one who wants them but cant buy them.

If you have them all outside and is still cold, don't you have some kind of greenhouse or a plastic to protect them ?