Dont worry about it, just keep pluggin away at your grow. Looks great btw, thats allMan fuck this place yall can have this shit.....
Gotta say it's some weak juice. Hopefully his character is reflected upon his wallet when moreNo missy ...fkn his weed nerd thread they brought ny name up tlkn shit n I popped up to defend myself n sub went bk later and edited my posts to say some gay shit bout dicks n stff...go chk it out third frm last page but the post leading up to it were a few pages before.
It even says "edited by subcool" at the bottom
Thats true...we are not all equal here. He is Sub-humanThis place is just like the real world...its all who u are n who u know...we are not all equal here
i know i know its frustrating read my pm and youll see what i mean
My feelings were nvr hurt I laughed from the first second I saw it...hysterically actually. ..honest engine....but I did wanna make him look bad I admit that.Mr vega i ask you to drop the discussion, you are in multiple threads abotu this i asked you to report your issues you refused
all you want to do is make him look bad and everyone swoon over you and your hurt feelings
you cant be a big complainer and want nothing done of it.
*covers ears* LALALALLALALA WERE MOVING ON FROM THIS END OF DISCUSSSIONNNNN lolSeriously, I cannot believe someone would behave like that (I saw the thread) on a medium that is being used to promote their business. Not only does it make him look bad, it makes RIU look bad for having that type of behavior from one of their moderators.