Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
This thread is so focused on bottled crap. I cant believe you guys think this is where quality comes from....

Imagine how incredible your meds would be with true Veganic techniques, like the Stock Free certified vegetable farmers in Europe...

I know we all don't have the outdoor space needed to make our own compost and leaf mold, but come on, the real quality is in the simplicity of it all.

The key to the whole thing being high quality vegetable based COMPOST! :wall:

If we could just focus our intention on making the highest quality compost, all these bottles of "veganic" this and that go out the window.

Real deal, consciously made compost has everything necessary to grow quality medicine. Its just a matter of commitment, time and space.


Well-Known Member
All my compost went into my garlic beds and now I have no compost for my teas so I will buy some amendments.

So do you grow veganic rising moon?

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
For the most part, I do grow veganic.

I make my own compost, leaf mold and plant extracts (I also grow the herbs for my extracts).

But, I have 3 chickens so there poop goes in the compost, and a worm bin for castings, so not technically 100% veganic.

Also, my current soil mix has some Indonesian guano in it, but I am mixing up a new batch soon with no animal products (except castings)

The latest technique I added that I think will really step up my game is, feeding my worms various selected tea herbs(comfrey,nettle,chamomile,yarrow,alfalfa,red clover) kelp and rock dusts.

In my logic, the worms should make all the goodness these plants and rocks contain, into soluble nutrients easy absorbed by plants.

But, I do plan to run straight leaf mold/coco, and only my homemade plant/mineral extracts (i.e. 100% vegan) so I can get an idea of how strong they are, and how they preform by themselves.

I have tons of fun thinking of all the ways I can make my compost better! Next summer, I am going to grow some HUGE outdoor beds of different legumes specifically to harvest and compost, as well as smaller beds of comfrey and dandelion leaves (silica!)



Well-Known Member
Hey, great. This I love this site! I think I should start a separate thread about HYT because the etiquette police have been all over my sack on this thread already. You know all this stuff already, nothing revolutionary like PLANT BASED NUTRITION!

I'll outline what I usually "present" in "lecture" (is that better semantically? ;) really?)
This is separate from plant based fertilizers, which is really what this thread is about...
A) roots=fruits (IMHO)
B) an early FIM (depends, but for me right now. yes)
C) breaking the inner hurd techniques (many, and they are hard to describe in words, more to come)
D) horizontal training
E) working with local regula...
F) foliar feeding flowers (great for plant based nutes!)
G) anything that speeds the life cycle, which i count as a HYT. like balancing MH & HPS at different times, light cycle triggers, metabolism boosts, the debate on intentional stress...
E) CO2...i could go on, new thread time.

Horizontal training hey ... that is what I am just starting to experiment with, I found that the buds are growing away from the stems which makes them less prone to bud rot ... and I like the shape of the buds this way.

You say foliar feeding flowers, that is new to me, what would you foliar feed them and how far from harvest is your last feeding?

Matt Rize

Real deal, consciously made compost has everything necessary to grow quality medicine. Its just a matter of commitment, time and space.
The reasons you listed are exactly why most people use some sort of bottled supplement: commitment, time and space. Many of us have very little time and space to commit, especially the city folk trying to make pounds. Thanks for spelling it out so clearly.


I'd love to try to go 100% vegan. I have a quick question that may have been covered already. If so apologies. I'm wondering if the biocanna vega/bloom will clog my red aero misters that run 1min on 4 mins off? The bottled I recently picked up say that they are suitable for hydro...

if it's a no go, anyone know of a vegan lineup that will work in lp aero setup?


Active Member
ha ha all synth nutes are technically vegan! No animals were harmed in the making of these synthetic mineral salts, except maybe the microbes they will kill on contact. Biocanna is not for recirculating, or any hydro according to manufacturer. They say something like for use with a mineral soil ie a real soil grow. The only "organic" hydro (really organic based) I ever did was ebb and flow with about 75% feed chart recommended nutes by botanicare. PBP feed chart, plus Budswel and hygrozyme it worked well but it wasn't aero at all, it was ALIVE and foamy and goopy, clog city for sure with anything small.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Hey mattrize thanks for the suggestion on sillica.. I've included it in my line up and the plants seem to like it so far.


ha ha all synth nutes are technically vegan! No animals were harmed in the making of these synthetic mineral salts, except maybe the microbes they will kill on contact. Biocanna is not for recirculating, or any hydro according to manufacturer. They say something like for use with a mineral soil ie a real soil grow. The only "organic" hydro (really organic based) I ever did was ebb and flow with about 75% feed chart recommended nutes by botanicare. PBP feed chart, plus Budswel and hygrozyme it worked well but it wasn't aero at all, it was ALIVE and foamy and goopy, clog city for sure with anything small.
It says hydroponic right on the front of the bottles... And then on the back it says for use with mineral soil and potting mixes and recommends top feeding. A little misleading if you ask me.



Active Member
I think the word hydro on the front middle of the label is a mistranslation or something. It's a Dutch company so uk is only one language they print in. I think they understood the true meaning but put the h-word on there on purpose for marketing to the cannabis niche

Cpt. Plant it

Active Member
I think the word hydro on the front middle of the label is a mistranslation or something. It's a Dutch company so uk is only one language they print in. I think they understood the true meaning but put the h-word on there on purpose for marketing to the cannabis niche
Growing hydroponically means delivering nutrients/plant food to plants grown in an inert medium. So all bottled nutrients are hydroponic.


Well-Known Member
Just stumbled across this thread because I've been thinking about switching to a vegan diet. Got through the first fifteen pages and all I can say is "WOW", which is a summary of many words. Amazes me how narrow minded people can be, but not really. I'm just going to put it this way; which is maybe relevant or may not be, it all depends on your view in life. Basically, disease is at an all time peak in America, same goes for our "animal" product consumption. Disease goes up, as plant based consumption goes down. When plant consumption is increased, disease decreases. That's the facts. Now you want to feed animal based "organic" nutes to your plants? And then smoke them for medical use? Lol... Thanks for opening some eyes around here, happy growing!


This first one is my Sour Blueberry lady - fresh blueberry smell & taste. The 2nd two are Sour Bubble purple pheno.

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These are from my first run in pure Coconot with cannabio vega/flores/boost, soluble seaweed, HN 0-10-0 & molasses oh and hygrozyme & calmag+ using RO water. These are my two keepers from these strains, there is one more blush i am keeping, for the time being, as it is the most potent cannabis i have ever smoked (i really want to get it tested), but it's veg time needed is ridiculously long. The other phenos all showed real bad deficiencies which i now attribute to very low PH in my bloom feedings (low 4.0's). I figured maybe the coconot lost its gusto once it got a few weeks into flower and without adjusting the PH it just went downhill from there. (thoughts? if you're so inclined, check out my "mid-flower issues" thread in the cannabis infirmary on icmag, i am BlueJayWay over there) seemed like all or most of the feedback i got over there was from chem and/or hydro growers so yeah, not a lot of help....

My 2nd run i mixed 50/50 coconot and happy frog, cut it with 20% chunky perlite, added dolomite lime, vermiblend compost, alfalfa meal. Using Mykos in transplants, teas with EWC or the compost & molasses. Foliar with cold pressed seaweed extract, alternating neem oil. Switched to GO calmag to avoid the EDTA Iron & to keep it more organic, added rhizotonic, want to pick up some protekt. Oh yeah, i ordered the fullpower, TM7 and the vam-endo from bioag, looking forward to gettin' those in the mix! I don't like using so much shit, honesty, but in the right amounts & at the right time i think it's beneficial to give your garden a good variety, even of the same nutes but from difference sources, ya feel me?

A couple more runs and i feel like i'll get shit dialed in....

Here's my knock you on your arse Blush, that musky kush/earthy flavor is so strong it makes me sneeze with big bong rips, that happen to you? LOL
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Just looking at this veganics thread and I must say, even though it was posted 11 months ago, your blush1.jpg shot has to be the prettiest flowering cannabis plant I have ever seen! That photo definately gets my curiosity going, as far as veganics is concerned.

Cpt. Plant it

Active Member
Just stumbled across this thread because I've been thinking about switching to a vegan diet. Got through the first fifteen pages and all I can say is "WOW", which is a summary of many words. Amazes me how narrow minded people can be, but not really. I'm just going to put it this way; which is maybe relevant or may not be, it all depends on your view in life. Basically, disease is at an all time peak in America, same goes for our "animal" product consumption. Disease goes up, as plant based consumption goes down. When plant consumption is increased, disease decreases. That's the facts. Now you want to feed animal based "organic" nutes to your plants? And then smoke them for medical use? Lol... Thanks for opening some eyes around here, happy growing!
You should check out a movie called Forks Over knives if you haven't already, it's all about plant based diet. Very informative!

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Yea, I watched Forks Over Knives last year in October, fucking great film. That's what got me to switch over to a whole foods plant based diet in January and it's the best thing I ever did for myself.....aside from learning how to turn my pot into kief to cut down on smoking bongsmilie

That's also how I came upon this thread, was looking for vegan organic growing methods. This thread changed my life in so many good ways. I even grow my own food in doors now without any poop, just started some pumpkin seedlings I'm gonna fit in with the girls. :roll: I have however temporarily abandoned the concept of growing 100% organically. I was losing yield and it was getting me behind. Now I use a sweet smelling organic liquid guano product up until week 4 of flower and then it's just teas.


Well-Known Member
If your not using Guano then your losing flavor and yield. If you have a problem with poop then maybe you should try toilet paper.
Hey maybe if you ain't got nothing nice to say don't say anything! Learn some respect! or you ain't going to last here on RIU, unless that's what your trying to accomplish. Go back under your bridge troll.