Veg under HPS problems


Active Member
My veg room currently has 3 trays of plants in hydro. 2 of the 3 lights are MH and one is HPS, all 1000 watt. I move clones in under a MH and then as they grow they get separated out under either a MH or HPS bulb. The plants under the HPS lights look terrible. Plants that were once flourishing under the MH, vigorous new growth, no brown leaves, begin to deteriorate under the HPS. They don't die but all the leaves begin turning brown, the growth becomes very very slow (but doesn't stop, they do still grow a little), and the new growth is lighter green than others. Once I move the plants to bloom under 1000 watt HPS they really pick up the pace, growing as they should, no more brown leaves (except the normal amount, of course), and form buds just like all the plants. I really have no idea what's going on. I don't know if the placement of my AC could be a cause; this tray is closest to the air output so maybe too much cold breeze? I also have an oscillating fan, which this tray is farthest from, so maybe there's not enough breeze?? I am not sure. If it is the HPS light, would a conversion bulb remedy the problem?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
MH and HPS lights put out different light spectrum. MH puts out light in the blue spectrum which is used in vegging and HPS puts out light in the orange/red spectrum used in Flowering.

Perhaps the plants under the HPS but on a vegging light cycle (18/6) are confused and expecting a 12/12 cycle with the light they are receiving.... and therefore suffering.

Don't know if that's possible... but it sounds logical in my mind


Active Member
Just in case anyone ever needs this for advice, I did move the HPS and put a MH in the veg room and everything is GREAT now!! That must have been the problem even though I don't know why because I read everywhere that plants can veg under HPS. But I guess mine can't, lol. I will stick to MH in veg from now on!


MH and HPS lights put out different light spectrum. MH puts out light in the blue spectrum which is used in vegging and HPS puts out light in the orange/red spectrum used in Flowering.

Perhaps the plants under the HPS but on a vegging light cycle (18/6) are confused and expecting a 12/12 cycle with the light they are receiving.... and therefore suffering.

Don't know if that's possible... but it sounds logical in my mind

Most hps bulbs are duel spectrum :)


Well-Known Member
Recently had a cheap ipower digital ballest blow and take out one of my MH's. I threw a hps in its place for 4 days and it effected the plants terribly. Made new growth slow and yellowish.