veg time?


Well-Known Member
hey everyone, I know that you usually beg for about 3 weeks now just wondering could I veg for longer now If I did would that help any avantages by doing that will I get more weed or????? let me know Thanks everyone :)


Well-Known Member
you can veg for alot longer than 3 weeks!
veg for as long as you want, get that bitch 20 feet then switch to 12/12 and it will flower


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude so ill just get more weed lol dude Im gonna fucking veg for like 7 weeks then


Well-Known Member
ya, thats about an average veg time.
If your looking for a bigger yeild use the search opion on the forums and look into "lst" and "scrog"


Well-Known Member
wait you lost me haha im still a novice lol so basically the longer you veg the bigger the yield if not then what? lol


Well-Known Member
you can veg forever.
when you veg your pretty much getting the plant big then when you put it into flowering with a 12/12 light cycle the flower will hit a growth spurt then basically just stop growing in size and start producing buds. the longer you veg the bigger the plant the more it yeilds.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your help dude yeah that makes sence everyone elese was saying yeah its depends on the size of the bulb yeah im sure it obv does help but I was thinking that the longer you veg the bigger the yield thanks for the help oh btw one more question if you dont mind have you ever grown of smoked kushberry?


Well-Known Member
Thats cool dude yeah im about to grow it I love kush and I love bluberry and thats what it it a cross of both does it really smell and or taste like blueberry and not to sound like a pain in the balls but what would you rate it 1-10


Well-Known Member
its been awhile so idk about rating i just remember been pretty damn baked and we were smoking out of a gas mask and it made my eyes red as fuck lol idk weather from the gas mask or the bud but they usually dont get that red from the gm
im sure it'll turn out good and get u high lol juts make sure u cure it good


Well-Known Member
ok dude thanks hey how long do you cure for? and one more question what happens it your just dry it and dont cure it?


Active Member
I grow indoor and veg for about 5-6 weeks. First I put clones in hydro system to get a root base, works very good. Once a root base is built (usually about 6-9 days) I put them in dirt. This is when I start to count my veg period. I tie my plants back to train them instead of topping as they grow. This keeps them short and bushy with fat, dense buds that don't have huge stems that weigh a lot. I veg under a T-5 light that is kept about 3 inches above tops of plants for 5-6 weeks with a 18 on 6 off schedule. About two weeks before they are to go to flower room (12/12 light) I start to flush. I like to flush the girls twice before I start flowering. The day they go to flower room I add special bloom neuts (organic) to soil water and let them flower. You have to make sure your room has no light getting in. Also, do your plant maintenance when light is on. Do not go in room when light is off, just better that way.

One last thing. Put up a bulletin board with your plants listed. I use mailing labels and write down everything I do to each plant and stick them under the coordinating plant strain. This will help you so much. You will be able to see when you added neuts, when you watered, when you tie back or topped, when you did this, when you did that. It is a wonderful mechanism and when you are done you can put all the info into your computer and you will have a step by step guide on how to take care of your plants for future use.

Good luck my friend. I hope this helps. If you have any other questions please PM me and I will be happy to help.