Veg time 24/0 vs 18/6?


Well-Known Member
What are the benefits of 24/0 during vegging vs 18/6? Can you ever tell sex under 24/0? does it take forever to tell?

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
You have the question backwards. It is incumbent on those who advocate 18/6 to show us evidence of why it is beneficial to deprive the plants of 6 hrs of energy each day. I have never seen any scientific answer to that, but anxiously await one.


if you are gonna have youre lights on 24/0 you may aswell go auto for a perpetual harvest, i think you might find that its to do with electricity cost.


Well-Known Member
i believe that the dark period gives the roots time to grow ... i tried a 24/0, 20/4, 18/6 .... my plants liked the 20/4 best, i think it more depends on your strain and what it likes!

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
Of course 24 hr light is for veg only.

I'm not opposed to accepting that dark time in veg accomplishes something, I just want to see some evidence. I think it's a legend started by someone, spread, and accepted blindly as truth. There's a lot of that going around.


Active Member
If there was an opverwhelming case to be made for 24/7 one would think you would be reading about it all the time by Professional growers.

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
...I'm with ya, I've never seen any evidence of a difference between 24/0, 20/4, or 18/6....they all keep your plants in a veg state and seem to have the same vigor from my experience also.


Active Member
running 24/0 is gonna show on your powerbill. I think 18/6 is just fine. not sure if youll be able to tell the sex sooner, if you were it would probably be an insugniffigant ammount.
also you can always force flower your plant into showing its sex.


Active Member
All living things must sleep.

Subcool Weed Nerd Episode 30. If you have a time lapse and you run 18/6 you will see the plants "lay down" at the 17th hour
This is a tru story here i always thought the same way plants must rest wether its 20/4 or 18/6 i prefer 18/6 ive had good germination/female ratio this way.


Well-Known Member
if you dont want to grow trees, if you want to help save the planet, if you want to save on heat and electric, if you are happy with 2-6 oz dry per plant then just go 12-12 from seed.........


Well-Known Member
... I have tested 24/7 and in my experience plants like 18/6 much much better... they grow bigger - faster - stronger and they GROW IN THE DARK! All Ladies Need Their Beauty Sleep!!!!!


Active Member
This question has been in debate for years and years. IMO there is no debate; plants need a dark cycle to grow better. If plants need a dark cycle to induce flowering shouldn't this tell you something about the importance of a dark cycle in both vegetative and flowering stages. IMO there is a more "natural" pattern that follows a 18/6 (or any that contain a dark period) grow; during the day the plants absorb light and create food, during the night they literally rest by closing their stomata and use the energy to grow. During a 24/0 light cycle all this is done at the same time so you can imagine which method would be more efficient and less hectic for the plants. Nature has been doing it this way for millions of years; anyone who thinks they know better is delusional.


Well-Known Member
If no-one can explain why it is real, then I have to conclude it is imaginary.
" Light and Dark
Plant leaves capture light energy and turn it into the sugars that power their growth. This process is called photosynthesis. Up to a point the more light available to a plant the more it can grow. Darkness is also important for plants however. During dark periods plants transfer excess energy they have made in their leaves down into their roots. This promotes better nutrient uptake which in turn allows for better photosynthesis. With plants such as cannabis darkness also promotes the creation of flowering hormones. Giving cannabis the right amount of light at the right time is therefore the key to successful growing and flowering...""



Well-Known Member
i know many pro growers that use 24-0 for veg.....i am under the impression that it is not 1 size fits all. Some girls love the 24/0 others need some dark. There is no general rule of what is better. I personally used to veg 20/4 under t5's and then put them under the HPS for 2 weeks at 18/6 (in large boxes), then 12/12. But my girls got a full 8 week veg always and were more than ready to flower by the time the room was ready.

To each his/her own, there is not always a right answer.


Well-Known Member
i think replicating mother nature is the ticket and there is always a dark period in nature, unless you're in alaska or something...


Active Member
If you calculate g/kWh for the grow, the law of diminishing returns means that 18/6 is more cost efficient than 24/0.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
24/0 works good for the first few weeks but after that I believe it has no benefit unless cold nights are an issue.

There seems to be no definitive proof that 24/0 is beneficial or not, thus the additional cost of electricity and reduced light bulb lifespan is not justified