Veg Supplement: Advice & Experience Requested


Active Member
I've combed the threads and conducted a search, yet still not finding a thread on general supplements used/recommended for vegetative growth phase.

Currently growing in ProMix, using Flor Nova grow. Plants were transplanted from Solo Cups into final pots six days ago. Will begin regular nute feedings w/ Flora Nova Grow this week, and I'm wondering about a good all-around supplement for veg growth.

Any advice and experience is greatly appreciated, as always.

Thanks for viewing !


Active Member
I used Sensi Grow, Liquid Karma, and Great White Mycorrhizae for veg on my outdoor.... Liquid Karma and Great White go great together I let them sit overnight with an air stone to brew the bacteria in Great White... The next day I add my base nutrient into the brew and balance the pH before watering