Veg: start with LED and finish with HPS or natural light


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Tldr: led first then hps or Sun second makes a very productive veg phase. As opposed to only going with hps or a more red spectrum when switching to flower.

First time grower so I'm looking for opinions, as well as proposing a theory. I'm growing weed plants and tomatoes. I've watched hundreds of hours of YouTube horticulture and read top to bottom. I'm only talking about the veg phase and not flowering.

I have been growing under a mish mash of 5k full spec white leds, 4000k and 3500k as well. They all seem to grow fairly similarly, lots of leaves, not leggy and not stout, maybe slightly thin stems. What I did notice though is that when I took a 1 month old tomato from any of the leds and put it under the hps, or put it into a glass greenhouse, that it exploded compared to either tomatoes solely grown in hps or led. The high number of small leaves quickly became a high number of large leaves and the stem thickened significantly.

From what I learned via Migro channel on YouTube, the hps tend to grow fewer leaves that are very large. The plant will be shorter and have a thick stem.

Any thoughts? Is this old news?