Veg Smell??


Active Member
I got a question, for some reason my grow tent is smelling like weed lol pretty stupid question but when the plants are still vegging are they suppose to even smell? i thought they weren't and read many things and watched some youtube vids with people criticizing people that said there plant smells in the veg mode. Maybe im just way to anxious to get these things flowered dried and smoked!! lol


Well-Known Member
Yeh, they can still give off a smell in veg. As ever, it all depends on strain etc. And I guess the plant is smaller in veg, so there's less plant to smell...? It's not a plant problem, but could be a neighbour problem.
So your tent must be smelling of weed's full of weed? :smile:;):smile:
(Sorry, couldn't resist it!)

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
some plants smell more than others. the plants will also smell stronger if you shake them or move them around or even a circ. fan blowing them around will release the smell.

i ran quite a few plants, all diff. strains in a small room during veg. i couldnt smell them at all unless i moved them around. i had no fan blowing in the room.


Active Member
It's strain dependent. Some greasy Indica strains will produce terpenes even in vegetation. I once grew out this Diesel strain that stunk something terrible at 5 weeks of 18/6. Other strains, Blue Mystic comes to mind, are rather odorless throughout both veg and flower.


Active Member
yeah depends all upon the strain. better safe then busted. get that carbon filter into action. burn some nag champa (outside the grow room) get on that before it gets on you. on the plus side its a good sighn that your plants 'll be dank.


Well-Known Member
Start sorting odour control. There are really only two ways to stop your tent smelling in flower (1) A carbon filter (2) The police.:mrgreen:
I chose #1 and hasn't let me down yet! lol


Active Member
ya i have a carbon filter already no smell out side the tent but i opened it up and i was like um... is it me or am i craving something really good??? just saying its been 4 months... just moved and couldnt find anyone and got ripped off on top of that. I knew it was gonna happen and it was a risk i was willing to take but dont want to have it happen again so i dumped a butt load of money down and bought this set up so i wont get ripped off ever again lol.. i was watchin a you tube vid and this guy was sayin he could smell it on his plant. everyone in the comments ripped on this guy and said he was stupid and shouldnt be growing... he was only bout 12 but still.. then i smelt weed in my tent ( yes it is full of weed lol) but they are all veging and thought iw as going crazy!! Thanks for the response guys!


Active Member
im gonna be in here every day getting my SMELL FIX lol till i can smoke em up! oh will the males smell too? another noob question i know but if they dont ill be much happier! lol


Well-Known Member
That's exactly what started me growing my weed..sick of being burned so threw a load of money at the problem...I ought to thank those dodgy dealers now though; this new hobby is great fun! lol!
(And as Free Wheelin' Frankin says, "Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope..")


Well-Known Member
That's exactly what started me growing my weed..sick of being burned so threw a load of money at the problem...I ought to thank those dodgy dealers now though; this new hobby is great fun! lol!
(And as Free Wheelin' Frankin says, "Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope..")

dude sorry but i gotta steal that for my signature


Well-Known Member
dude sorry but i gotta steal that for my signature
I spotted that on your signature earlier..thought I was having a mild synchronistic experience! Ah well.
I'm sure Free Wheelin' Franklin would be proud...
(Edit) For those who don't know; Free wheelin' Frankin is a Fabulous Furry Freak Brother...go seek 'em out..


Active Member
so my white widows are 4 weeks from seed and i ahve an inclosed tent with a carbon filter taking air out, i have a couple of fans in the tent, but my wife just called me and said once she opened the basement door it smelled like weed galore how in the hell is that
I have some golden goat bag seed on day 37 of veg and it only smells a little bit if I move some foliage around other than that nothing. No carbon filter and I do have 2 fans running. My grow b4 this with some green crack bag seed absolutely reeked on third week of veg. It really does just depend on strain
some plants smell more than others. the plants will also smell stronger if you shake them or move them around or even a circ. fan blowing them around will release the smell.

i ran quite a few plants, all diff. strains in a small room during veg. i couldnt smell them at all unless i moved them around. i had no fan blowing in the room.
your absolutely correct. I am kinda a noob also.... or born again virgin... but I had Indica plants smell my dam whole room up (2 Indica, grandaddy purple and an unknown) and at 2 and a half weeks old from popping up they smelled it up.. it depends on strain, and all other or one of any environmental factors like wind humidity temperatures... although I never grew Indica before that. so I thought it was normal..
my sativa didn't smell til 5 weeks or so.. i have low humidity because cedar closets are like that.. 400w led. . I started them for two weeks on 400w hps then switch. they love it and take off. just in my experience I think Led is great up into flowering about 4 weeks in. but the heat kills them..