Veg room question


Hi guys i have a couple questions and was wondering if you guys could give an opinion. I currently run pots and love them but hate the vegging time. Ive run 4x8 ebb& flow tables forever and love my vegging times on those usually from small clones 3 weeks and Ive got a 3 foot plant. what do you guys think about vegging on a table then just before flowering put them in 2 or 3 gallon pots to flower them? what do you guys think about that or am i just wasting my time. im just trying to figure out how to veg faster but still get a 3 foot bush of a plant.

any help or ideas would be great.
a good idea is it try to gently wrap some type of soft rope around ur plant so u and pull them down and tie it. it forces the plant to grow straight up towards the light. and try pruning them too. it'll take about 2 wks but eventually grow 2 branches instead of just 1. and once the plant go's into flowering stage, it will grow about twice the hight


what would the yeld be off 1 plant? i was just going to use 4 inch cubes then when they tall enough throw them in dirt and give them 2 days to recover then flip them.