Veg room or no? Work flow question.


Well-Known Member
I’m setting up our floor plan for our commercial beholding we are building soon.

I like my space and work flow. In a nut shell. I have a room for clones and moms. Then I have a veg room and 3 bloom rooms. The idea is to feed the bloom rooms from the veg room.

I’m thinking we should just feed the 4 rooms from the clone room to Let them have their entire life in one room.

The up side is every room is on its own schedule. Longer tables and trays are cheaper than many 4x4 or 4x8. Moving all those plants will be a lots of moving and potentially stressful for the plants so this will minimize that and any possible pests or contamination’s.

Down side is the way my my work follow is set up From left to right. Clone room dirt room (for lack of better terms) veg room. They’d go from solo cup sized pot to possibly 1gallom from clone. Then to a 3-5gallom in veg. Then to one of the 3 bloom rooms that’s on the souther side of the building. Clone and veg room are on the north side and it’s separated by a corridor.

To some it all up. Should I grow 75 plants in a veg room and transfer monthly Ish or just keep feeding each room with plants and as they go through their cycle?