Veg Question


Well-Known Member
My friend started some plants about a month ago and the growing went fine and is still going fine. The plants are about 9 inches tall and now are in 3 gallon pots. The lights at first were 2 42w/150w cfls and a 4ft flro. As the early weeks went by he added more and more lights. As the lights were added the growing seemed to stop. All the plants are fat and full of growth but just not getting taller. The lights are always 2 to three inches from the plants. And now the light total is 4 42/150 and 2 23/60 and 1 4ft flro for 8 plants. the lights are on 24/0

Also if this matters the plants were just put into the 3 gallon pots one week ago.

So I think my real question is if you provide enough light can you keep the lights futher away and still have a full plant?


Active Member
I'm no expert, but I don't think the lights should be turned on 24/0. Weed plants depend on light changes to let them know when to flower and such. It has something to do with hormones or chemicals the plants produce in the dark. Anyway, if you want it to flower turn the lights to 12/12. If you want them to get bigger give them more light, something like 18/6 but you might want to look that up. Just keep in mind that the plants will grow 3 times taller when flowering, but again might want to look that up lol.

Hope that helps.


Active Member
My friend started some plants about a month ago and the growing went fine and is still going fine. The plants are about 9 inches tall and now are in 3 gallon pots. The lights at first were 2 42w/150w cfls and a 4ft flro. As the early weeks went by he added more and more lights. As the lights were added the growing seemed to stop. All the plants are fat and full of growth but just not getting taller. The lights are always 2 to three inches from the plants. And now the light total is 4 42/150 and 2 23/60 and 1 4ft flro for 8 plants. the lights are on 24/0

Also if this matters the plants were just put into the 3 gallon pots one week ago.

So I think my real question is if you provide enough light can you keep the lights futher away and still have a full plant?
Compact fluorescents are hard to work with if u dont have enough. Your ideal range is between 2000 and 3000 lumens per sq ft. This might sound high but its what u need if u want maximum growth. yes u can keep them higher which will increase the vertical length. A plant will reach for light if it needs it so insence u should move ur lights up to grow them taller u can stay on 24 hrs since you started the plants like that and then switch over to the 12 / 12 .


New Member
your plant looks sweet as it is, Thats how you would want it to look nice tight and compact with the nod,s close togeather for now .. you could try raising your light for a few days if you wanted to streach it a bit
ive noticed a lot of people on here having the same flowering problem,s with cfls
up the watt,s if its not flowering