Veg on Window Seal


My 2 plants which I planted on Sunday have grown to about 5cm and has 4 leafs, the problem is I am having to leave them on the window seal till Monday as my light has not yet arrived as there was problems with stocks. Will this be okay or are the plants doomed???




Well-Known Member
They'll be okay, although they might stretch a little. No biggie, the light will stop that, and make them fill out, or, could top them when you get your new light, if they've stretched too much. Nothing to worry about, as long as they are getting light, til then. :)


Thanks, I thought they were doomed. Once I have my lights was going to put them under 16hrs light for a week then start flowering, will this be okay???

Also once I start flowering will the plant stop growing upwards and just start budding or will they continue to grow?




Well-Known Member
Use 18 hours of light, instead of 16. That's not quite enough hours. And yes, they'll keep growing. Actually, they'll grow alot faster than they will in veg, doubling or tripling their size, in the first 3 weeks or so. Keep that in mind, when designing their grow area, because they're going to end up being well over 2' tall, unless you use some kind of training, like LST.


Well-Known Member
P.S. You'll get alot more yield, if you veg them longer. 5cm is quite small. I'd wait til they are at least 20cm, maybe more.


Well-Known Member
Sweet, I think you'll find it interesting to experiment with LST, it's a cool training method. :cool: