Veg nute question?


Well-Known Member
Probably a matter of choice. I would prefer the sugar peak as the concentration isnt much stronger than what I use. I have always used iguana juice grow which is 3-1-3. Seems low in the Nitrogen, however I have never burned a plant with it and it keeps things dark green and healthy. Havent ever need to go beyond 3/4 strength.


Well-Known Member
Probably a matter of choice. I would prefer the sugar peak as the concentration isnt much stronger than what I use. I have always used iguana juice grow which is 3-1-3. Seems low in the Nitrogen, however I have never burned a plant with it and it keeps things dark green and healthy. Havent ever need to go beyond 3/4 strength.


New Member
I believe sugar peak has micro nutrients in it. Flora nova not so much. I could be wrong. Sugar peak is more of a 1 part system. GH is a 2 part.


New Member
This is what happens when to much nitrogen is given. This plant is going on its 9th week of vege from seed. It was given 2tbs. Of Age Old Organics(know a lot of people that use it. Not the nutes fualt) at 5 weeks(8" tall) and has remained at 9" tall since that feeding. Yes it was at the top of the recommended feeding dose, and a little early for my taste but, the person I gave it to was warned this strain doesn't like heavy feeding. He ignored me so I now have another girl to take care of. Notice the dark green and clawed leaves? Classic sign of to much N. This is a strain I'm working on that allows me to grow in weak soil yet still produce the high I like. Not bread for yield, just quality smoke.



New Member
The larger plant is 2weeks younger and only received a steady diet of tap water in roots organic original potting soil. No amendments, until late flowering. Most growers would be surprised at how little of the nutrients are uptaken by a plant

