Veg clone is flowering, oops, advice?


Well-Known Member
I cut some clones early in flower and i did not think they would root as i am a first time grower. Any wya they all rooted supremely. I put 2 in floer chamber right away. They doing great. I put 2 more under 24/0 under 2 cfls. They were going to be mothers. I just check the mothers and they are flowering in 24/0. I know it takes some time for a flowering clone to reverse but this is too funny, they are doing better tha the clones in 12 and 12. My camera not good enough sorry. Any ideas. Should i just keep then under 24/0 if i want them to be mothers or is it to late and just stick them under 12/12? TY



Well-Known Member
Bump! (That means to the front again right?) Lol, Ahhhhhhhh, its budding! Never thot id say that. My only options i can think of are to eithe go forthe 36 hours of dark or keep the light on and hope. Its been thru 24/0 light for over week way over, i gotta check but it is ever since i cloned her. Any body know a way to revers this so i can get a mum plant for my grows!