Veg chamber, budget

ebb n flow in my opinion is better as explained to me dwc is run by an airpump with the roots submerged in the solution anything go wrong with the pump,over a period of time you can kiss your babys goodbye as in the ebb n flow you flood and drain as accordingly to how wet the media you are using is..dwc might be easier and cheaper but ebb n flow could be alot better for many reasons


Well-Known Member
I looking for oxygen to the roots. Back up air pumps can take care of the dwc, also u have a few days i herd. Whaever can give more air i want. I was gonna dwc or eb and flo and use recycled tires as mefium. I also looked at aeropoincs and foggers. Its damn exciting!


Well-Known Member
how come not recycled tire mulch? I heard it worked i think, they sell it at home depot which is what i am looking for. They look like perfect media, lgood size and water retention i bet like hydroton if it is a mulch. Have yu seen it?


Well-Known Member
or can u suggest anything that seell at hoe depot that i could use as a media. Rock, lava rock? I did not get specific aftr i saw the tires, i was rocked!


Well-Known Member
im sorry, where can i find at the home depot some of the things u metntioned. Sorry i not lazy man just myschedule si tight and i gotta get there before they close or around my work, i dont drive either!
idk what home depot got for hydro set ups as they more are in electrical and home stuff but your hydro shop if you find one or online you can get lava rock,hydroton,fytocell whatever you want for the set up u r using


Well-Known Member
I nervous as the cops always watch the hydro shops! But i jut read a faw on tire much and lava rock. LAva rock absorbs minerla salts as does leca and tire mulch does not absorb that much water. SO i wud i guess flood more often, like every hour. I hear that a good thig tho becasue that gives more oxygen to the roots, flooding. I read that yesterday and was suprised. Its the flooding that and the water leaving that gives the roots theri oxygen. Looking at how the plants wud rest in the porus and spacious hydro media i though it was between flooding


Well-Known Member
ty tho i can find the Stuff. I might just order it off ebay, I only need bout 40 dollars of hydrotn or 20 of rockwool. Hell A.L.Bfuct used rockwool. He did ok!