Veg chamber, budget


Well-Known Member
:-PI got a big tent for flower going but i got some clones that need a veg chamber like now. I fig on going to home depot and buying a flourescent fixture. I got a nice cab all pinted white and ready to go. I wonder what the dif is between t8 and t5? I have 1000s of t8 laying aorund at work! But idk if they ok to take. hehe. Anywya any ideas for a cheap flurescnt fixture. I really want like a 2 foot bulb. Also i have some perofessional black light ballasts with blacklight bulbs. I was wonderign if yu guys think it wud be ok to jus tput little flouresent blulbe inb there, they like foot and a half. I have no experience with flouros. I am reading but thot id thro this up while i do. I did do a good cloning job with cfls and have like 30 on hand but only 2 foxtures.


Active Member
you can replace black lights with white lights. Steal some fixture of something, or just go buy one. it will be like 15bucks each.


Well-Known Member
ty! Gonna do just that. Any ideas if a plant went from 24/0 to 12 and 12 for 2 days and back to 24/0 how bad the time delay or shock or stunt will be? Or will it be fine?


Well-Known Member
yup, 2 iches of topside growth and abour 4 of good roots with hairs on the roots. Dwc cloner. Small clones! first ry, 100 success. I gonna get a tattoo of superthrive, Althoug i'm not sure if maybe dwc cloning is just always that easy!


Well-Known Member
I cut under waterm i added superthrive and i used a 26 watt cfl bout a foot away just to remind the plants it day, get to work. No humidity dome and a pinch of veg nutes for fun.


Well-Known Member
Well i already vegged them under a 400 watt hps last night now they under 2 cfls in a lit bathroom. The veg cab is ready sealed and white. Gonna go to hd today and but another bulb for the blacklights and more cfl fixtures. I n fact i have like cfl bulbs the small ones i gotta look for those 3 way bulb adapters! ANy advice on that. Fixtures for cfls? LAter i plan to get a big t5 for veg


Well-Known Member
experimental pot with rockwool media and i dwc buubler clone in dwc coffe can for now. Gonna put them both in a 4 plant rubbermaid today i think. Gotta make it.
why not use your 400 for veg that will be good all thru...unless you got two different grows going on orplan oncloning and keepin mothers the 400 will do it all


Well-Known Member
lol, i wish. I have 1 flower in full month long bloom. Maybe longer she about to seed. I pollinated her. I had 5 clones rooting. I have 2 with the flowering girl on 12 and 12 and these 2 are gonna veg for a while to get bigger plant. See whats better clone stright to flower or veg first. I am pissed they are not on the ame schedule but what to do
if you put clones straight to flower you can put far more in then if u let them veg..s.o.g is done by giving clones no veg time and every space is covered by a plant


Well-Known Member
yeah and it look liek it rocks! I just want bigger clones maybe than these 1 inchers i picked. It was my first time, trying to salvage what i can.
there no purpose to give plant veg can pack more plants in there by putting more clones instead of growing them before you flower


Well-Known Member
it wont affect yeild? clone size.? ISnt there liek a min height to expect a good sog yeild.. Those sog i admore all have 1 foot clones. Mine are pathetic!
those clones get 1 foot when you put it to flower as its still in veg mode coming off a vegging it takes at least 1 month to turn over blooming under 12/12..thick stems for clones help alot


Well-Known Member
tell me more i gonna read too. And my veg chamber is cool, all stealth! I got a dresser for free hollowed it out and painted it white. real clean. Ha too 100 watt cfls so far and a fan. One clone is a dwc in a cooffe can for another day or so and another is anexperinental ebb and flo trial with rockwool. I water it once a day by dipping it in a nut solution with superthrive. I gonna make it a dwc and use recycled tire mulch form hd. I need to fig out what size pump for a ebb and flo. this is exciting shit. I put together a 9 plant ebb and flo table in my head at home depot today for under 30 dollars. I hope i can use a 10 dollar water pump for the system. Although i her yesterday dwc is better! So i confused. If so i just dwc the while thinbg in 2 or 3 10 gallon rubbernaids. that like 20 dollars and a 10 dollar airpump!


Well-Known Member
man i ramble! on a mix of oxicodone, marijauna, starbucks green teas, and espressos! Multitasking my only day off tweeking plant grows. Hurry up and wait!


Well-Known Member
lol i got a full microscope and kit with batteries today at a thrift shop for 5 dollars. Also a microwace pressure cooker! hehe,.