Hey guys. just wondering what the best butane out there is.
I remember one time I got a hold of a few cans of ronson butane.. man did it ever make some delicious looking oil like ive never seen before. its funny because I was searching, and this pretty much confirmed, that ronson butane is pretty good.
all the head shops EVER sell here is colibri/london for 6$ a can which apparently has 22% propane, where as vector has 11%, and ronson has 0%
I know that the bernz o matic stuff sucks, it stinks and has a scent in it. I imagine it would fail the mirror test.
cheap stuff NIBO is available at walmart for like 3 or 4$ a can.
Ronson can be found at canadian tire I think it is. I am going to get some tomorrow and run a few tests.
Vector Butane:
SECTION II- Summary of Hazards & Composition
SUBSTANCE: Butane Percent: 60.00
CAS#: 106-87-8 Synonyms: n-Butane, Tetrane
SUBSTANCE: iso-Butane Percent: 29.00
CAS#: 75-28-5 Synonyms: 2-Methylpropane, Trlmethylethane
SUBSTANCE: Propane Percent: 11.00
CAS#: 75-98-6 Synonyms: LPG, Dimethylmethane, Propylhydride
EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE! Keep away from heat, sparks and open flame.
Propane 11%??? I really couldn't believe it, so I searched Ronson to see what their Propane content, and other crappy ingredients were.
Ronson Butane:
http://www.gpsidental.com/uploads/fi...May 2000.pdf
Ingredient Name CAS No Contents Health Risk
(class) (R No.)
Butane 106 - 97 - 8 99%
Composition Comments Substances indicating a hazard do so under EC Directives 88/379 & 67/548
Aerosol classified as Flammable
Wow, 99% butane. No Propane, no ethyl mercaptans. But there's a 1% of something not listed that apparently isn't deemed hazardous, but I figured could be some kind of contaminant so I continued my search.
BernzOmatic Butane:
Hazardous Components
N,Butane, volume (CAS #106-97-
Isobutane, volume (CAS #75-28-5) 78%
Ok, so I've found a brand that has 100% butane/isobutane and I'm nervous, but feel confident enough to maybe try it. At least get one can and do the mirror test.
But let me just look up Colibri, which used to be the 'flavor of the month' brand of tane back when BHO first started taking off and I know I could get it from a Cigar shop, but it's about 15 minutes further than the bernzO out of my way.
Colibri Butane:
Hazardous Components (Specific Chemical Identity)
Common Name CAS# %
Butane 106-97-8 78%
Propane 74-98-6 22%