Vatican City. Holy shit.


Active Member
There are over 50 miles of text ancient and more recent under Vatican city that is not open to the public. Not even browsing. I learned this and was like wtf I want to know all the secrets they aren't sharing. I mean I understand why because if they did it may throw there religion or thing or whatever you'd like to call it into chaos. Just thought this was interesting

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
there are many texts available to catholics that are not shared with the public. a lot of what i've seen is terrifying. the good and evil exists in the vaults, and the application of good and the existence of evil will make your nuts jump up into your throat.

Behind Dark Clouds

Well-Known Member
Yeah I wish we knew more about the entire universe. It's so fascinating to think the chances of a civilization far greater than ours is out there
They existed, look at the Egyptians. Not one person today can truly replicate what they did. They can use huge machines to try and replicate it but the Egyptians didn't have machines.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Rome is amazing, 375 miles of catacombs, the Vatican, Big stone buildings all falling down

The Pope, The Food, The People... very cool


Active Member
what is "50 miles of text ancient"?
I just wrote a cluster fuck lol when I get excited I forget to use commas etc. my apologies. I'm not talking about the past tense. I'm talking about now. I'm talking bigger than earth. There's gotta be a civilization far older and far more advanced than us. Somewhere out in the cosmos. I fully believe that.

6 Leaf General

Well-Known Member
There are over 50 miles of text ancient and more recent under Vatican city that is not open to the public. Not even browsing. I learned this and was like wtf I want to know all the secrets they aren't sharing. I mean I understand why because if they did it may throw there religion or thing or whatever you'd like to call it into chaos. Just thought this was interesting
Google priory of sion