Variegation in plant leaves

Dabbie McDoob

Well-Known Member
Well a plant of mine has some abnormal coloring that I would describe as Variegation.
After some research, there is some thoughts that the Cannabis plant can suffer from Tobacco Mosaic Virus. No other plants in my vege area display any abnormal growth amongst a variety of strains.

Somewhat perplexed whether to destroy or keep it.



Well-Known Member
It wont hurt to start some new plants and neglect that one. I grew out a varegiated plant once and it wasn't that special
I doubt is tobacco mosaic

Dabbie McDoob

Well-Known Member
@spliffendz I doubt the male trap door spider living in the corner would tolerate their presence.
However, I did go have a look and am not seeing anything thripy goin on.
Thanks for the suggestion though.

I will be watching this plant, as I have read another thread on IC that someone had variegation in Crocketts Tangie