

Well-Known Member
the best cheapest one is the one u make yourself,you got to do it right tho so it doesnt go wrong


Well-Known Member
I guess i dont understand what makes a vaporizer, a vaporizer. you know? is it the lighting of weed without catching the bud on fire with an actual flame? Or what?


Well-Known Member
Sweet thanks! I found an awesome Youtube video that shows step by step too, just bype vaporizer. Thanks guys!

Bush Doctor

Active Member
We have a 'Vapezilla'... a 'Volcano'...threw away the Vape Brothers wood box piece of shit and have less good to say about the BC Vape. Have also used an 'Herbal Air'.
In my view:
Vapezilla... best taste.. most efficient... takes a bit of learning curve to develop best breathing method for best results. Not cheap but pays for itself in short time via efficiency.
Volcano.... my pick...almost as efficient as Vapezilla. Tastes great as long as ya change the bag when it gets stale...abso no brainer to it :) and tho not cheap... pays for itself in pot savings.
Herbal Air...half the price of Volcano.. almost as good... ssame efficiency as Volcano ( tho the youtube is a tad missleading in its comp to Volcano)...thus paying for itself in short time... drawback... bags harder to change..kinda whimpy in its construction (plastic with fishtank air pump to drive it) and takes 2 min to fill... Volcano is FAST so vape is fresher thus.. tasting better.
Tried the Vapezilla knock off... good unit and works well with same pros as counterpart tho not as well made.. get what ya pay for I guess...
so.... you can vape with some crappy pipes... heat gun... light bulbs .. etc but... in my view.. save your pennies.. get one of the best// $200 to $500... they work well and are hastle free and pay for themself rather quickly NOT TO MENTION THE HEALTH CONCIDDERATIONS!!!! Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
100 bucks isnt much if u wanna get a good vape...all the good ones i've seen start around 150 bucks. there are some on ebay for less than 100...but they arent brand name or anything...and i would question the quality of them...but its worth a look!