Vaporizer question


Well-Known Member
I have one that looks similar to that.. has a glass top that screws on to trap the vapors..
Have you tried a vaporizer before? I like mine, but it's an acquired taste.. my wife doesn't like it.
If you got $40 to spend.. give it a shot.


Well-Known Member
i dont feel as high when i amoke bud out of a vape but put a nice ball o hash in that bitch and whoooooo i'm soarin


Well-Known Member
never tried hash in it.. I have some - I am going to smoke it right now and report back.
(5 minute heat up, 5 minute session.. be back)


Well-Known Member

I like hash. A lot. I don't sell hash. I keep it all for me. I like how hash tastes doing BT's will always be my favorite. I personally took about 4 BT's worth of hash and vaped it. I'm stoned.. but I'd say no better than when I smoke BT's.. and it made the smoke taste like vape...which I don't mind the burnt popcorn thing but I likely won't do it again..
Now that being said.. I wasn't asked my opinion, and I'm not challenging yours, or anyone else's.. I thought it was a brilliant idea to try for myself.. and offer my results up to see if others may want to try it and maybe give the OP another reason to buy it if he likes my opinion..If you are just looking for the stone.. It certainly is an easy way to brew your bottle tokes.. but it did totally change how it tastes to me.
My vape isn't "clean" right now either, and that may effect taste to a certain point.. but it certainly isn't dirty enough to totally change it to the extent that I didn't taste hash.

If that's cool with you, then there's another reason to check em out.


Well-Known Member
I have one that looks similar to that.. has a glass top that screws on to trap the vapors..
Have you tried a vaporizer before? I like mine, but it's an acquired taste.. my wife doesn't like it.
If you got $40 to spend.. give it a shot.
I've never used a vaporizer before. I'm on a low budget and thought I would give it a shot.



Active Member
yea dude id order one.. i had a vape before until i sold it, and its a nice 'before you go to bed' smoke imo. gets me feelin right and makes me fall deep asleep. just how i like it.