Vapor Brothers


Active Member
Just ordered the Vapor Brothers Hands Free Vaporizer. I've been on the fence for awhile as to which one performs the best. I scouted all the threads and went to other forums and Vapor Brothers kept surfacing. Never had a vaporizer before so I'm hoping this is a quality vape. The lifetime warranty and price sold me. Anybody currently own one and what has been your experience with it? My lungs can't handle smoke like it used to which is the sole reason I bought it. Hope I made a good purchase.


Active Member
Update: Just got the beautifull dark coffee Vapor Brothers unit. Unpacked it and was up and running in 20 minutes. This has got to be the simplest unit to operate. Let it heat up for 5 min...load the whip 1/3 full and secure the hands free whip. Splurge the extra 30 bucks it's worth not having to use both hands. Quality unit my only gripe is no temp read out or guage to get to threshhold. My lungs will soon be thanking me... Way to go vapor brothers....


Well-Known Member
I will be purchasing a vapor bros soon.

i feel you on the lungs man..i need to start vaporizing now, and its the highest quality vaporizer for my price range.


Active Member
Fried........If you do end up getting one, make sure and purchace a metal pick( multi-use packer,stirrer, screen replacement tool) Stock up on screens as only one comes with unit. Also got the Urbanz quality grinder. Best Christmas present I ever bought myself!! Vapor Warehouse is an authorized seller and has great customer your getting a lifetime warranty..


Well-Known Member
thanks for the heads up. you dont grind your weed to vaporize it tho right? i feel like the weed would fall through the screen. yeah ive never had any purpose for screens before, but once i get it i'll get some.

how's the high? tastes amazing, don't it? so pleasant on the lungs...ive only smoked out of a VB once and i loveeeed it


Active Member
^^^^^^^Fried.. You absolutely have to grind your weed. If you load it otherwise it will only vaporize the outer shell of your bud. Grinding it makes for an even efficient vaporizing session. The taste is phenomenal but I must say the "high" is not as deep as if you were to rip from a bong. It's more of a clear headed high which can defeat the purpose if your trying to achieve couch lock.


Well-Known Member
Save up and get a volcano...Seriously I've used them both and the volcano is hands down one of the greatest man made marvels of it's time.


Well-Known Member
Glade your happy with your new vape. Now your tokin like the big chiefs. haha. My first vape was a knock off brand that I picked up at my local smoke shop. It lasted a few days then over heated and melted the glue that held the circuit board to the unit. I was so mad! There was no warranty so I smashed it on the pavement.

Once that happened I swore never to buy a cheap vape again. My next one was a Natural Goods vape. I had it for about a year with no issues. Then I sold it to my neighbor. He's been using it every day for the past 2 years and it's still going strong. He broke the internal glass piece but he was able to order another one for $40. Then recently the little 60mm fan went out, so he stuck a 120mm fan in there. The heater core has been rock solid. Which is a lot more then I can say for the previous vape I had. The Natural Goods vape also has a really thick double-walled whip/bowl that doesn't get to hot. It's not hands free though, so you do have to watch who uses it. A few idiots had grabbed the whip out to fast and the bowl hit the ground and chipped. Replacements for the whip is $55 which is pretty pricy when the Vape Bros replacement whip is around $25-$30.

My current vape is the Extreme. I'm usually able to start vaping in 1-2 minutes, where as the Natural Goods takes about 4-5 minutes. The bowl isn't attached to the unit or the whip, so it's really easy to fill. The only negative is that if you turn the heat up, the bowl gets really hot. But man, the remote on the extreme is bad ass. I didn't think much of it at first, but I'm always using it. I also set the built-in timer to automatically turn off after 120 minutes. The extreme comes with a bag and a whip. All the homies trip out on it. Some like the bag, others dig the whip. I go back and forth all the time.

I know a lot of people talk about the Volcano, but I don't know, I'm so happy with my Extreme. I'd buy the Extreme again if and when ever it decides to go out. I was just wondering though, does the Vape Bros have a fan? And can you turn it off?


Active Member
Used the "Volcano" at a friends house and simply put...I'd take VB over the Volcano for it's ease of use, time to operate, simple elegant design, and no distinguishable difference in precission vaporizing. If I wanted to buy overpriced German equipment I'd buy an Audi.


Active Member
^^^^Vindicated....Glad your enjoying the "Extreme" I've heard nothing but good reviews on that unit and given the price points I went with VB. This unit is a stealth operator and has no internal fan. Your inhaled hits through the whip act as the fan. What did you pay for your Extreme? Just curious....


Well-Known Member
I bought the Extreme Vaporizer for $299.00 shipped, from Amazon, back in January as a birthday present to myself. :)
The price on the Vapor Brothers is pretty good. I even like the "H20 Adapter" that they show on the web site. I still get dry mouth after long sessions. I wonder how much that little adapter helps. A glass of water will probably do the same thing, but I'm a sucker for those little extras.