All I do is vape flower. After you vape some flower, smoking it just isn’t the same anymore. The taste you get is PHENOMENAL. You taste every terpene. I love it. I don’t have a desktop vape yet but I think I’m gonna hop on the bandwagon and go the ball vape route. Either that or save big for a Volcano Hybrid.
As of right now I have a Crafty+ and I absolutely love this thing. A little on the expensive side but worth every penny. After spending hundreds of dollars on mediocre portable vapes it was obvious to me I needed to spend a little more money to get a more satisfying vapor experience. The Crafty+ scratches that itch.
In the past I’ve had a PAX 3 and a PAX mini and neither of them compare to the Crafty. I feel like I had another flower vape but can’t think of it right now. S&B products are top notch and I’ll pretty much suggest then over anything.
Although Planet of the Vapes has a couple good beginner vapes right around $100-$150. The POTV LOBO and the POTV ONE are both great (from what I hear) and are more affordable that the S&B stuff.
I suggest vaping flower to all my friends. There are several benefits. The taste, it doesn’t smell as much, it’s healthier and you can reuse the bud you vaped in edibles. I don’t see myself ever not vaping flower. It’s the best way to consume.