Vape pen for flower

Thanks for the replies. Ill check those out when i get off work. Cheers!

And Id prefer a small portable pen style but will check out any model just to see whats offered.
Thanks for the replies. Ill check those out when i get off work. Cheers!

And Id prefer a small portable pen style but will check out any model just to see whats offered.
The small portable ones like the Gpens are awful. They usually combust the flower and will often melt.

The best and cheapest small device is the Dynavap M, but it requires using a small torch lighter to heat it.

For an electric option, check out Healthy Rips Fury series. I’ve only tried the original not the Fury 2, but it’s small, heats up super fast, and has very tasty vapor. IMO, it’s the best vape under $200.
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Nice, I change up frequently, but my current roster is mostly portables, not really pens.

Arizer Go Argo
Vapcap M
the hammer
Mistvape plus.

Have owned a fury2 and a mighty.

Tried a grasshopper, maybe the best vape ever, except that it never works until recently.

The Argo is my daily driver, removable 18650 panasonic battery, all the little menu goodies and the fucking taste is bar none. Truly a convection vape, super portable, maybe smaller than fury, tough. Session timer, 300f to 430f degrees.

The mighty is really expensive with a non removable battery, one of the best, but after my battery died, I went elsewhere.

The fury2/fierce makes big clouds that get you high as fuck, especially thru a bubbler, but the taste is medium mostly. They also are chinese garbage and grindhouse makes knockoffs for half, unfortunately.

Vapcaps are hit and miss, they can really give you nice hits and then they cant too. Mostly, because of all the lighter fiddling, packing the lid, etc, cheap and best for camping backup imho, will work with candles and matches too..or any heat source even solar....

The mistvape touch is a lil badass that I use as a backup or for guests, mainly a single hitter, not a s3ssion, not a pen either, but removable 18650, handmade wood bodies, custom glass options from the builder...

There are more, just dont wanna kill the thread

Firewood vapes
Davinci has a new miqro
Haze square
Tera cf, the the next gen cfx
Owned a Mighty. It kicked ass till the batteries wore and only worked plugged in basically.

Looking at the Arizer Argo.

Good thread.
Thanks, I was just thinking about this the other day, still need to get one. I'll check out the dynavape, thank you.
yah its really good and a joy to use, i highly recommend it, i have the omni xl it's pretty pricey but from my understanding the M is just as good and if you plan on just using a bong 99% of the time (or go w/ the vong too.) id probably say just get that one with a bong adapter it's like 1/3 the price and apparently provides just as good hits. but even the omino xl i can gladly say this is a purchase that afterwards i have no second thoughts or regrets unlike the firefly 2 which was pretty much instant regret with hopes things would get better.

tho theres limitations to it too like the butane torch lighters and outside in the cold or windy day don't mix that well (i generally use it mostly inside). and the body can get hot i can only see that being a problem if your having a session with a bunch of people or afew that smoke alot. but it cools of pretty quick
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Not sure if this helps, but something to check for is whether a particular model has a waterpipe attachment. I had a flowermate mini for a while that was pretty ok, but it had an adapter that replaced the mouthpiece with a 14.4/18.8mm tapered joint. Running that thing through an ice cold bong was next level smooth, but you could still take it with you. (the vape, not the bong)