Vape, bong, piece, paper, blunt, other Review


Well-Known Member
Well as the title says. I have seen some pieces online that I would like to buy, and would like reviews. Post your review of whatever you have. Hopefully this helps out someone in the future.

Hot Box Vaporizer

Price: $120 @ local headshop

usability: easy,

Pro's: digital temp. control makes setting and monitoring the temp. a breeze, heating unit takes about a minute to heat up, cool lights when smoking

Con's: hard to find accessories, no fan unit.

Overall: 7 out of 10


Well-Known Member
Elements Rice papers

Price: $3.29 @ local headshop

Usability: medium-hard, they are pretty thin which makes them harder to roll with so you do not poke or rip em.

Pro's: Very little to no taste, very little to no ash, cool little pack, all natural.

Con's: a little pricey

Overall: 9 out of 10

Comments: Definitely worth buying and trying for experienced jay rollers.

Willie North

Well-Known Member
GEAR Bubble Ice Chamber 15" Bong

Price: 180$ CND Local HeadShop

Pros: All Glass (no rubber), Easy to clean, bong hits dont't taste like anything but the weed

Cons: Kinda expensive, but with great quality comes great price:D

Overall: 10/10 very pleased with this bong


Active Member
VaporBrothers Vaporizer

Price: $199

Usability: Simple

Pros: Easy to use, very effective. Portable, durable construction. Doesn't look like a UFO. Wooden with a cool blue/green light underneath.

Cons: I wish the bowl locked onto the heating element (it grips well though)

Overall: 9/10


Well-Known Member
Tall glass on glass double perc bong (pics are good right?)

Cost: $100 for bong, extra $25 for the perc bowl.

Pros: all glass, delicious, clean looking, the perc bowl catches the ash so the water in the bong stays clean for waaaay longer, also you can hit the bong from diff angles, like sittin, laying down, because you can just twist the bowl to be level at the angle ur hittin the bong if that makes sense.

cons: you have to put the right amount of water in the perc bowl. even just a lil too much and it'll come up in the bowl and get the weed wet durin hits. also, u gotta clean the bowl A LOT because the ash acumulates very fast in there, and its gotten pretty bad.

overall 10/10 but would have rather bought a see thru perc bowl and a larger one too.