Well-Known Member
yup, awesome choice as well =) that's a brutal lens =) it isn't the best for closeups though. unless you know how to circumvent the focal length limitation.
Let me help out, if you haven't thought of it yourself.
Use extension tubes. Either simple or with circuitry. something like these:
It's just a hallow tube, with different length segments that let you get REAL up close with your camera.
They change the lens' focal length. so a lens where your minimum distance from the glass to the subject would be something like 50cm to 1m, can now be something like 10cm or even 2 or 3cm if you use the righ combination of rings.
Get some reading on about macro fotography with extension tubes, it's pretty easy to understand, and can yield AWESOME shots without advanced macro gear.
Take care friend =)
(also, you didn't give me any input on what I chould choose xD I'm still confused, which one was your favorite smoke from my list?)
Hey J thank you so much for your information. I really appreciate it for you to take time to explain. One of my favorite hobbies, photography!
any recommenation for a high end canon micro lens?