
Full Circle

Active Member
Why are you lying to yourself bud ? Face it .... You are smarter than that .... Flush them and feel good about yourself !


Well-Known Member
LOL I already told her not to give them back, I should've sold them and made something of it.. Probably wouldn't get more than like 10 dollars for the whole bottle though..

But plant, your right, those few days I was going through withdrawl, I thought I needed to see a doctor. I looked like a vampire, I COULD NOT get out of bed no matter how hard I tried. the only time I moved that day was once to get a bigass thing of water and my bowl ;) haha I think I basicaly got through it with the help of being high as fuck. But it seriously was terrible. I could see how someones body could just shut down from it.. I felt like mine was oging to

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I ended up taking 30mg and just giving the rest away today :D I was so STONED on the valium
But plant, your right, those few days I was going through withdrawl, I thought I needed to see a doctor. I looked like a vampire, I COULD NOT get out of bed no matter how hard I tried. the only time I moved that day was once to get a bigass thing of water and my bowl ;) haha I think I basicaly got through it with the help of being high as fuck.
Am i reading this right, you got through it by taking more valium. I don't know what "it" was but it can't have been the addiction or the withdrawal that you got through..


Active Member
Am i reading this right, you got through it by taking more valium. I don't know what "it" was but it can't have been the addiction or the withdrawal that you got through..
He got through it by smoking weed, i think.

And he took one valium of the ones that he found, and gave the rest away.

How's that working out by the way? Hopefully you didn't get the urge to get some of them back from your friend.
For more almost two years I took valium 50-150mg a day. I would quit here and there for a week to two weeks even a month depending on what I had going on in life; it's odd I never felt withdrawal from them. I took them cause I liked the feeling. When I finally quit using them totally, I had withdrawal. I think a large part of the withdrawal is based on the psychological. Knowing that I wasn't going to be taking them ever again I think jumpstarted the affects in my body.

One thing I remember from taking them is that it affects the body's ability to sweat, and I would work out a lot. I think that fucked with me a little cause of overheating.


Well-Known Member
I just took 40mg of valium, how does it compare to other benzos? I've done most of them BESIDES valium, can you tell me the difference? Right now it feels like it has more muscle relaxant effects (which I was told would happen), but the anti-anxiety effects seems to be less than klonopin. Am I right? Can you give me a full breakdown on how you feel on valium?


Active Member
Never takin a high dose, but id imagine it to be like 4-5mg of xanax, but more relaxing. But i say that because xanax does not relax my muscles at all


Well-Known Member
I read until the "benzo can't kill you comment"
Iv known two different people who now have constant seizures after popping stupid amounts of benzos for years then stopping cold turkey..
my one friend had a seizure hit the ground so hard he shattered a vertebra in his neck..
benzo addiction is one of the worst out there. id take an oxy addiction over benzos


Active Member
I can vouch for the above statement. You WILL have seizures if you stop cold turkey, and it could possibly kill you. Luckily it only caused one seizure both times, and not several.