Vagina or Weed?

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
So let me say that again.

From a unscientifc perspective


From a unscientifc perspective

Ah, so you would be reviewing it from a magical thinking dumb fuck perspective.

Note: you are the one who wears your religion on your sleeve, so it INVITES assumptions. Feel free to correct them. Of course, since it's mine as well, I know we were taught to THINK and DEBATE, not simply BELIEVE.

Because it is a matter of degree, dosage theshold quantities, and time and dopamine pushing to drive it down. Of course, you don't "need" to do any more research since you of course have observed a few things in your life, been told a few more, and you are ok with that.

YOU are the one who seems to be in life crisis, not me. I get all the "vag" I want, couple of times a day. That's what happens when you work at home, marry the woman you love, and she has a matching sex drive. And loves the dope as well. Hours and hours. Daily. Passion flower kicks ass. Of course, you won't believe it, but I don't care. I'm the guy with the 5 kids. I'm not really worried about someone "insulting" my sexuality.
actually im not in a life crisis buddy. Im enjoying life. I hope your enjoying changing diapers.


Well-Known Member
actually im not in a life crisis buddy. Im enjoying life. I hope your enjoying changing diapers.
Hell no. Diapers are no fun. I haven't changed one in about 20 years. My kids are all grown, and the grandkids are mine to sugar up, not clean.

As far as no crisis, fine. You are on a life path that is occasionally difficult, and you are merely bitching a bit.

But you've closed off a piece of yourself, and you may live to regret it. If you are lucky. If you aren't, you'll simply be a bitter lonely old man someday, thinking a puff on a pipe is "good enough'. It's not, you just don't know any better.

It took me 40 years before I figured it out. Hopefully you (and any others reading this) will figure it out a bit sooner.


Ursus marijanus
Whoa. There is plenty of straight evidence on the chemical/hormonal process concerning THC->Prolactin->lower testosterone->higher estriol. Drop the tits aspect, it got your attention and now hopefully you will do enough of your own research. I accept that it is one of many factors, not a smoking gun.

Higher estriol is the end result of a guy having continuous sex with someone he loves. It is also the end result of smoking pot. When people say "pot == love", they aren't kidding. It really does in our bodies.

So my positive statement is concerning levels of chemicals in our bloodstream. And I'm very sure that these levels of hormones affect us on a daily basis, both behaviourly and via physical presentation. Are you saying you disagree with these statements?

Are you arguing with a favored endpoint in this discussion? Step back and look at it. Do you not like where it is going?

Before you double down, it isn't all bad. Research aromatase inhbitors, and you then see that 2 dropperfuls of passionflower extract will counterbalance the action of the THC and allow you to smoke as much or fuck as much as you want without any estriol accumulation.
How do you get from my effectively saying I want to be careful with the product of medical studies ... to the insinuation that i am being intellectually dishonest? Who actually has the agenda here? cn


Well-Known Member
How do you get from my effectively saying I want to be careful with the product of medical studies ... to the insinuation that i am being intellectually dishonest? Who actually has the agenda here? cn
I aboslutely have an agenda. Have people learn as much for themselves and make decisions. It's the old man teacher in me.

I apologise for the insinuation, you are right, it was out of bounds. It seemed you ignored my previous points and hit the standard: Can't believe that particular piece therefor it is all bullshit.

Note: You did not use that language, it was my poor interpretation.

My goal is to start with an agreement. You can't have a discussion, only an argument, until you find the starting place where opinions or knowledge diverge.

Please reset back to this:

Does THC trigger prolactin release?

If so:
Does prolactin affect testosterone and convert some of it to estriol?

If so:
Does lower testosterone and high estriol effect guys in any way?

Are you (as a guy) willing to roll the dice?

If you are, wouldn't you rather find any mitigating substances (such as passionflower) if possible?

No, I don't sell it!

This is my step by step goal:
#1 - Open eyes of those that it may affect.
#2 - Give them a reason to learn more.
#3 - Let them know it is not so bad, if they deal it. But if they don't, the downside possibility sucks.


Active Member
this is what happens when you get potheads talking about ANYTHING. they turn it into a deep ass convo about nothing. you can be talking about couches n it'll turn into a deep convo, i.e katt williams "love seat"


Ursus marijanus
Actually, I've just spent some minutes Googling THC and prolactin. I'm finding studies that show a decrease in prolactin levels linked to dosing with THC andor weed.
This is old and in the wrong species, but still.
These folks say "no effect".

The only ref i could find for THC or cannabis raising prolactin levels is this glancing note in a popular site. Note low quality of references. When I did a specific search including "College of Charleston" as a phrase, i could not find an online reference to the work. cn

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
Hell no. Diapers are no fun. I haven't changed one in about 20 years. My kids are all grown, and the grandkids are mine to sugar up, not clean.

As far as no crisis, fine. You are on a life path that is occasionally difficult, and you are merely bitching a bit.

But you've closed off a piece of yourself, and you may live to regret it. If you are lucky. If you aren't, you'll simply be a bitter lonely old man someday, thinking a puff on a pipe is "good enough'. It's not, you just don't know any better.

It took me 40 years before I figured it out. Hopefully you (and any others reading this) will figure it out a bit sooner.
your right all im doing is merely bitching a bit. This thread shouldnt reallu be called vagina or weed. It should be more of a money or vagina. And in that case the more money you make the more vagina you get in the long run.


Well-Known Member
your right all im doing is merely bitching a bit. This thread shouldnt reallu be called vagina or weed. It should be more of a money or vagina. And in that case the more money you make the more vagina you get in the long run.
No, the nicer he is the more vagina he gets.

And someone totally fixated on money and how much weed he's smoking doesn't make me want to give hm some loving if there's no love back...

One day, you'll meet that amazing woman who'll stick by you no matter what, raise your babies, tend your plants, bake medibles, get fucked with you and then allow you to fuck her forever and ever amen.

Apologies for having to revert to crudeness x

And as far as weed affecting sex drive, there are a couple of threads looking at that... For some of us it kills it and for some of us *cough* it is the ultimate aphrodisiac. I think part of it is down to mindset and conditioning. If your'e used to smoking alone in your basement all day you're not really associating pot with sexy time. If you like smoking a joint with your partner not wearing many clothes it might be a bit different. Or maybe it's a girl thing. Alot of girls I've spoken to say pot makes them... restless.

Guys, not so much.


Well-Known Member
and then allow you to fuck her forever and ever amen.
Alot of girls I've spoken to say pot makes them... restless.

Guys, not so much.
WTF? Allow? Lady, you got issues. The reverse of his, but 2 sides of the same coin.


I walk into the room and my woman starts to shiver. I brush against her and she vibrates. I do a slight stroke with a knowing smile, and she's panting hard. 10 seconds of mild touching and she's coming.

A guy can come 1 way. A woman has dozens of spots that can trigger it. When combined, there is an infinite variety of types of orgasms for them. Add in tongue, toys, restraints and a voilet wand, and start multiplying again. I play my wife like an instrument. I just have to make sure no single spot is over stimulated. We consider porn films training material. I've learned a LOT in the last couple of years. And I was really good before then, since my ego is tied up in the woman's pleasure. But now I just have fun with no goals.

Allow? no.

Respond uncontrollably. Yes.

I agree with much of what you say, but sex is not payment for chores or good deeds. Sex is a way of making each other feel good, and we always want each other to feel good. So "withholding" is far more than any insult possible, it is essentially saying I do not want you do feel good.

She once described her sex life to a coworker.



Her response: On demand.

But: We pay attention to each other's daily rythm. I'm best 10AM to noon, she's best 8-10PM. Which means usually 4 hours of paying attention a day.

As far a woman VS men, YUP! Most woman I know will not smoke pot "socially". They want to smoke, but reserve it for later. It gets them too horny.


Well-Known Member
Whoah, nice to hear you treat your lady nicely!

I didn't mean it like that, It's just so many guys here have got it into their heads that real girls will only fuck them if they have cars and money or something like that and therefore porn and hookers are less hassle.

Wow, lucky her. But most guys seem to forget to pay attention to all of you and I'll admit women are hard to get there compared to men even if they are aroused as quickly. 75-80% of women don't get there :(

I don't withhold or use sex as a reward, I'm the one nagging lol.


Well-Known Member
I didn't mean it like that, It's just so many guys here have got it into their heads that real girls will only fuck them if they have cars and money or something like that and therefore porn and hookers are less hassle.
Yesh, well, they're idiots.

I had a friend explain to me all the incredible things he does on a date. What he spends, where he goes, how he makes it the most incredible experience possible.


So he could have sex.

I responded: Why? Just call them up, they come over, you have sex. What's the big deal?

oh man, you must be rich.

Um no, middle class, poor for the neighborhood, which meant I was low man on the financial resource list.

Well, why then?

Because woman tell other woman how good you are in bed, then they all want to try you.

Be good, get laid. Be selfish, jerk-off.

Here's a hint for you stoners who are dying to find a horny discreet woman for sex. No romance, just sex.
Sign up with Ashley Madison.
Pretend you are married.
Learn to type something other than "HEY BABY I GOT A BIG DICK".

As my last marraige was ending (holding pattern for 15 years, waiting for the kids to leave), it took about $100 of "credits" that allowed me to initiate the conversations and a month to turn into a continuous stream of woman who were taking me out and THEY were paying for the hotel room.

Best $100 ever spent.

Have fun. Just don't be a dick.

Wow, lucky her. But most guys seem to forget to pay attention to all of you and I'll admit women are hard to get there compared to men even if they are aroused as quickly. 75-80% of women don't get there :(
Yeah, I know. As stated above, I was the guy that was sent to fix them.

Note: I'm mildly attractive. Not much though. Short. Big nose. Good curly hair and a demonic smile and and ability to say anything to anyone. Usually as a leading question. It took until I was 40 though to put it all together though, I was the classic shy nerd.

But if remember the final sex scene from revenge of the nerds, you know that is all that was needed.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Yesh, well, they're idiots.

I had a friend explain to me all the incredible things he does on a date. What he spends, where he goes, how he makes it the most incredible experience possible.


So he could have sex.

I responded: Why? Just call them up, they come over, you have sex. What's the big deal?

oh man, you must be rich.

Um no, middle class, poor for the neighborhood, which meant I was low man on the financial resource list.

Well, why then?

Because woman tell other woman how good you are in bed, then they all want to try you.

Be good, get laid. Be selfish, jerk-off.

Here's a hint for you stoners who are dying to find a horny discreet woman for sex. No romance, just sex.
Sign up with Ashley Madison.
Pretend you are married.
Learn to type something other than "HEY BABY I GOT A BIG DICK".

As my last marraige was ending (holding pattern for 15 years, waiting for the kids to leave), it took about $100 of "credits" that allowed me to initiate the conversations and a month to turn into a continuous stream of woman who were taking me out and THEY were paying for the hotel room.

Best $100 ever spent.

Have fun. Just don't be a dick.

Yeah, I know. As stated above, I was the guy that was sent to fix them.

Note: I'm mildly attractive. Not much though. Short. Big nose. Good curly hair and a demonic smile and and ability to say anything to anyone. Usually as a leading question. It took until I was 40 though to put it all together though, I was the classic shy nerd.

But if remember the final sex scene from revenge of the nerds, you know that is all that was needed.
....Is this a dating forum?

Are you talking about adultfriendfinder? Signing up for sluts, hot tho they may be at times, is not impressive.


Well-Known Member
After decades of thinking I was like a porn star (when I was on coke)

Now I have stopped - Have you read my new book; In Out Put The Kettle On!


Well-Known Member
Note: I'm mildly attractive. Not much though. Short. Big nose. Good curly hair and a demonic smile and and ability to say anything to anyone. Usually as a leading question. It took until I was 40 though to put it all together though, I was the classic shy nerd.