Vacuum Sealing post harvest


I ended up drying for abt 14 days at 50% RH , a good deal lower than it should be, and jars are reading 47% RH after two days in the jars. I know people believe in humidity packs but I'm not really interested in those. My friend asked if I could vaccum seal some i gave him. I know I should let our bud cure first before anything. Is burping a must even if the rh isn't 60% or above?

What do you think vac seal all the bud up so it doesn't dry up or keep in terp lock grove bags and don't open them? Hes got the same one jar and number of grove bags.


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you need to burp to see if there’s any acces moisture inside those buds, don’t let crispy buds fool you. I highly recommend burping and curing correctly. If you vacuum seal those you are flirting with disaster plus you are missing out on getting the best flavor. Best of luck!!
you need to burp to see if there’s any acces moisture inside those buds, don’t let crispy buds fool you. I highly recommend burping and curing correctly. If you vacuum seal those you are flirting with disaster plus you are missing out on getting the best flavor. Best of luck!!
Alrighty thanks for the advice! I will definitely be keeping an eye on the hygrometers.
Only vac seal if you are you planning on storing it for a long period of time, grove bags are fine for a few months since it doesnt seem like a large quantity of flower. If you dried it down to a stable 47% RH you missed the cure zone anyway and dont need to burp.
Heard that, appreciate the advice!
I vacuum pack some and put in the freezer. It gets all squished up though but I don't care as I'm just going to break it up and smoke it. I could stop the vacuum process and seal it earlier but the goal is to get all of the air out of the bag. Heat and oxygen are contributors to terpene degradation. Removing all of the air and keeping it in the freezer keeps it very fresh with little to none terpene degradation.

I vacuum pack some and put in the freezer. It gets all squished up though but I don't care as I'm just going to break it up and smoke it. I could stop the vacuum process and seal it earlier but the goal is to get all of the air out of the bag. Heat and oxygen are contributors to terpene degradation. Removing all of the air and keeping it in the freezer keeps it very fresh with little to none terpene degradation.

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Thanks i may try this for a small portion of my harvest and compare the results.
Do you have a vacuum food sealer ?

The wide mouth mason jar attachment is relatively inexpensive.

I vacuum seal in 1L wide mouth jars and store in a cool dark place.

The oldest I have at the moment is a year and a half old and I checked it last week. Looks/smells exactly like it did when I sealed it.....

how about a little nitrogen gas flush before vac n seal?
should displace a lot of the O2.
I really appreciate the advice.Sorry, I should have been a bit more clear with my question. I was just wondering if the vac seal would keep the bud's moisture and terps preserved better over the span of a few months or more.
Do you have a vacuum food sealer ?

The wide mouth mason jar attachment is relatively inexpensive.

I vacuum seal in 1L wide mouth jars and store in a cool dark place.

The oldest I have at the moment is a year and a half old and I checked it last week. Looks/smells exactly like it did when I sealed it.....

Yessir I do would just need to get the lids, thanks for the advice, that may be the way I go!