Vacuum bags for storage?


Well-Known Member
After drying/curing, is there any potential problem using those little machines that seal veggies in a plastic bag for long term storage?

I'm worried about mold, but if the buds are semi-dry (not crispy), and considering there is no air in a vacuum sealed bag, can mold or other issues be a problem?


Well-Known Member
My uncle uses those vacuum bags for his excess poundage.You just not going to win any competition with bud in those bags cause it compresses it to hell.
I have a food saver and that fucker is good for everything. The model I have lets you pick how much you actually vacuum out or compress whatever you do. Hell i can put fat ass muffins bread you name it. They even sell canisters and jars if you wanted. Shit watch some of the attitudes videos and you will see bags of thousands of seeds in a fridge in food-saver bags! Well worth every penny I paid for it! Buds will come out just as fresh the day you put them in there! Promise!
Yes vacuum sealing is the way to go, I have one as well and it works great, you know the extra bonus is that you can send them in the mail and noone will smell it.