Vaccinations go against everything that is holy

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some things shouldn't be optional. if it's something that is only going to effect you, then it should be your choice. when it's something that has the potential to effect every single person who comes in contact with you, then it stops being a personal decision.
the entire anti vaccine movement is based on a bad study by a doctor that has since had his medical license revoked. the study had inaccurate data and imaginary conclusions...but that was enough to start this whole issue.
there may be a very rare child who has a reaction to the vaccine. one in hundreds of thousands.
if children aren't vaccinated, measles, mumps, rubella, POLIO...will all come back unchecked, and kill thousands, tens of thousands of children.
i would consider one in one hundred thousand an acceptable cost to save tens of thousands.

Is the doctor you are referring to Andrew Wakefield?

I'm into the Trump bullshit in this article. I'm only pointing to the fact of what it says about Wakefield being exonerated. Even if Wakefield was wrong, using hism to totally destroy the anti-vaccination movement is a logical fallacy. He is not the first one who has spoken about the dangers of vaccination.

This book, entitled the Poisoned Needle, was written in 1957. Note the extremely high price for a copy.

Here's a transcript of a radio show from the 90's, entitled The Hour of The Time, where the presenter Alex Loglia reveals the research he's done of vaccinations.

This a very well researched documentary by Clint Richardson, called Lethal Injection : The Story of Vaccination. Please not, it's very long.

This is an article on the same subject, by the same author, Again, well written, and well sourced.

Here are a few articles of note regarding vaccines, and some of the things found in them.

Here is a story about how a pro vaccine doctor here in the US was hired to be a government witness to testify that vaccines did not cause autism in Federal court. However, he found that vaccines did cause autism in certain patients. So he took his finding to the Dept. of Justice. He was then fired, and then the DOJ went on to misrepresent his findings in federal court

All of you people out there who are acting as an echo chamber for the idea that vaccines are wonderful, are obviously not doing your due diligence researching this stuff. If you did, you'd stop repeating the party line, and you'd at least start asking questions. This post is intended to show that the issue of vaccination is not as simple as it's being made out to be. The news articles and video are meant to perhaps spark some curiosity in people, and at least get them to take a look at it. Everyone wants to claim how damn open-minded and intellectual they are, yet they always seem to run and hide when someone brings them the bad news.

All of the sheep out there see the world in left vs right. I see it as a battle between the individual, who thinks for his or herself, and the masses, who don't.
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Is the doctor you are referring to Andrew Wakefield?

I'm into the Trump bullshit in this article. I'm only pointing to the fact of what it says about Wakefield being exonerated. Even if Wakefield was wrong, using hism to totally destroy the anti-vaccination movement is a logical fallacy. He is not the first one who has spoken about the dangers of vaccination.

This book, entitled the Poisoned Needle, was written in 1957. Note the extremely high price for a copy.

Here's a transcript of a radio show from the 90's, entitled The Hour of The Time, where the presenter Alex Loglia reveals the research he's done of vaccinations.

This a very well researched documentary by Clint Richardson, called Lethal Injection : The Story of Vaccination. Please not, it's very long.

This is an article on the same subject, by the same author, Again, well written, and well sourced.

Here are a few articles of note regarding vaccines, and some of the things found in them.

Here is a story about how a pro vaccine doctor here in the US was hired to be a government witness to testify that vaccines did not cause autism in Federal court. However, he found that vaccines did cause autism in certain patients. So he took his finding to the Dept. of Justice. He was then fired, and then the DOJ went on to misrepresent his findings in federal court

All of you people out there who are acting as an echo chamber for the idea that vaccines are wonderful, are obviously not doing your due diligence researching this stuff. If you did, you'd stop repeating the party line, and you'd at least start asking questions. This post is intended to show that the issue of vaccination is not as simple as it's being made out to be. The news articles and video are meant to perhaps spark some curiosity in people, and at least get them to take a look at it. Everyone wants to claim how damn open-minded and intellectual they are, yet they always seem to run and hide when someone brings them the bad news.

All of the sheep out there see the world in left vs right. I see it as a battle between the individual, who thinks for his or herself, and the masses, who don't.

“No known studies have been attempted. ”

Right there in that hill article.

The rest of what you linked was a whole lot of crazy.

Part of due diligence is verifying that the information you are basing your opinion on is correct, came from an unbiased source. You very obviously did not do that.
What these people don't understand is that there has been an agenda going against the people of the world for at least 100 years, and presumably much longer.

I find it odd that these people are all here, presumably to grow cannabis, which they all freely admit was outlawed by the government in a conspiracy with big business. Yet, they somehow think that conspiracy doesn't exist today in any other realm.

Many of you are growing illegally. Actually all of you are, according to Federal Law. Why are these government supporters growing it and using it? The government is there to look out for you. They want to keep you safe obviiusly. So why are you growing this toxic Marijuana stuff? Don't you know it has no medical benefits? It's a schedule 1 substance, after all. Worse than cocaine.

I see a lot of accusations of people like yourself and myself as being conspiracy theory idiots, but I'm seeing some serious cognitive dissonance going on in these comments.

If they lied about cannabis, wouldn't they lie about other things too? You don't think they can fudge the fucking statistics? Go read a book called, How To Lie With Statistics.

That! Right there!

Ps.: I'm doing time for what I have in one of my jars, not all of them. And I'm doing time for what I have in veg. And I'm doing time for what I have in flower. All that for a plant that does no harm. How the fuck can you do all that not getting caught but eat the shit out of the big pharm hands?

Let's not forget, these kids with no kids smoking mids, are trying to have an argument against all of that while they were born in the same age. They have never, ever, ever, fucking ever, seen a heathy kid in their life. They never even held a child of their own in their hands and watch it shiver right after the shot, sbaming and grasping for the air while it's head was burning hot. They never held a child that was screaming several nights long from the pain in it's brain, right after the shot.

And they never will.

This is them
The head of that group in

The Executive Director and President are both doctors, yes?? Making your stament a fucking lie. Those are both doctors. You said every other doctor says the opposite of what Andrew Wakefield claimed. And that was a generalization, and also a lie. A lie you made up off the top of your head for convenience. To support your fucking argument.

It shows that you arent all knowing, and it also shows that you pill a lot of shot right out your ass.
of course you'll run circles around make up shit as you go along, and ignore evidence that doesn't support your position...i feel like i'm talking to trump.....


The study strongly supports that MMR vaccination does not increase the risk for autism, does not trigger autism in susceptible children, and is not associated with clustering of autism cases after vaccination. It adds to previous studies through significant additional statistical power and by addressing hypotheses of susceptible subgroups and clustering of cases.

Primary Funding Source:
Novo Nordisk Foundation and Danish Ministry of Health.


The study strongly supports that MMR vaccination does not increase the risk for autism, does not trigger autism in susceptible children, and is not associated with clustering of autism cases after vaccination. It adds to previous studies through significant additional statistical power and by addressing hypotheses of susceptible subgroups and clustering of cases.

Primary Funding Source:
Novo Nordisk Foundation and Danish Ministry of Health.
They dont believe in facts.
Hey, let's talk about Polio. And Jonas Saulk.

Here's a link that talks a little bit about that:

This info is all sourced. Read the comments section too.

Here are a notable excerpt:

During mid-April of 1955, about 400,000 people—mostly schoolchildren—in the U.S. were vaccinated with the Salk vaccine manufactured by Cutter Laboratories.6 It turns out that more than 200,000 of these children, living in five

western and midwestern states (Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada and New Mexico), were injected with vaccines “in which the process of inactivating the live virus proved to be defective.” The Cutter-produced vaccines ended up causing 40,000 cases of polio. It severely paralyzed 200 children and killed 10."

(My comment: Wait.. Whaaat did that say?)

"In his book The Cutter Incident: How America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis, Paul Offit, MD writes, “Seventy-five percent of Cutter’s victims were paralyzed for the rest of their lives.” A team led by epidemiologisit Alexander Langmuir of the Communicable Diseases Center (now the CDC) in Atlanta, GA determined that “the disease caused by Cutter’s vaccine was worse than the disease caused by natural polio virus,” adds Dr. Offit.

Children given Cutter’s vaccine were more likely to be paralyzed in their arms, more likely to suffer severe and permanent paralysis, more likely to require breathing assistance in iron lungs, and more likely to die than children naturally infected with polio."

this is why you get vaccinated...idiots like you that don't vaccinate your children are directly responsible for each one of these kids who die
Even for the children not in Merica? There has been one measles death in the US in 3 years. How many people are in the US?

What statistics are the CDC referring to regarding anti vaccinated people spreading it? The article reads to me like an appeal to authority. Who from the CDC makes that claim?

Just appealing to an authority does not prove anything. It showed the statstics of how many people worldwide died of Polio, but it didn't prove they were unvaccinated.

Each country has it's own particular climate and living conditions, etc.. Hygiene has a lot to do with disease as well. Nutrition too.

Your article is bullshit garbage. It's out of USA Today. Not a medical journal, not a study. A USA Today article. And not even a well written one.

Keep it up Rog. This is fun
Hey, let's talk about Polio. And Jonas Saulk.

Here's a link that talks a little bit about that:

This info is all sourced. Read the comments section too.

Here are a notable excerpt:

During mid-April of 1955, about 400,000 people—mostly schoolchildren—in the U.S. were vaccinated with the Salk vaccine manufactured by Cutter Laboratories.6 It turns out that more than 200,000 of these children, living in five

western and midwestern states (Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada and New Mexico), were injected with vaccines “in which the process of inactivating the live virus proved to be defective.” The Cutter-produced vaccines ended up causing 40,000 cases of polio. It severely paralyzed 200 children and killed 10."

(My comment: Wait.. Whaaat did that say?)

"In his book The Cutter Incident: How America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis, Paul Offit, MD writes, “Seventy-five percent of Cutter’s victims were paralyzed for the rest of their lives.” A team led by epidemiologisit Alexander Langmuir of the Communicable Diseases Center (now the CDC) in Atlanta, GA determined that “the disease caused by Cutter’s vaccine was worse than the disease caused by natural polio virus,” adds Dr. Offit.

Children given Cutter’s vaccine were more likely to be paralyzed in their arms, more likely to suffer severe and permanent paralysis, more likely to require breathing assistance in iron lungs, and more likely to die than children naturally infected with polio."
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