Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

I do recognize that individuals do have certain obligations to Society in general. I am no anarchist.

I do recognize that value is subjective, so the biggest obligation we have towards others is to leave them alone if they are peaceful and not trying to run our lives.

No, you are not an Anarchist, since you apparently believe in obedience to a forcible hierarchy and try to rationalize that good can come from that. Even when the well is already poisoned by the inclusion of the omnipresence of the forcible hierarchy.
There is nothing fascist about the Great Barrington Declaration whatsoever.

"Focused Protection" does not work e.g. Sweden had worse outcomes than neighboring countries. Great Barrington Declaration amounted to letting the virus rip through the world - disabling and killing "the weak", in contradiction to what the overwhelming majority of experts advised, an idiotic disregard for scientific expertise and the value of human life as seen in fascism.
"Focused Protection" does not work e.g. Sweden had worse outcomes than neighboring countries. Great Barrington Declaration amounted to letting the virus rip through the world - disabling and killing "the weak", in contradiction to what the overwhelming majority of experts advised, an idiotic disregard for scientific expertise and the value of human life as seen in fascism.
Oddly enough, nearly 3/4 of doctors surveyed disagree with your assessment, as noted in the article linked below.
Since you fired the shot, do disclose the peer-reviewed source for that.
Oddly enough, nearly 3/4 of doctors surveyed disagree with your assessment, as noted in the article linked below.

I’ll see your picked cherry and raise you an actual peer-reviewed article.

All three of the lead authors are paid by the Brownstone Institute totalibertarian propaganda organ.

You found a published argumentum ad verecundiam. Your unbroken record of fallacious logic remains intact.
CDC V-Safe covid vaccine injury data incoming. Sad that it took 2 lawsuits.

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Is this one of those troll tactics where we are supposed to pretend that your highlighted part means that those were vaccine related events like good cucks?

lmao and that the 4% of the people using this were not death cultists anyways trying to skew data to 'own the libs'?

There were also 71 million symptoms reported in the pre-populated fields. This is an average of more than 7 symptoms reported per v-safe user. Reported symptoms include, for example, over 4 million reports of joint pain. While around 2 million of these joint pain reports were mild, over 1.8 million were for moderate joint pain and over 400,000 were for severe joint pain. It is noted that v-safe includes data from less than 4 percent of individuals who received a Covid-19 vaccine in the United States.