Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated


Well-Known Member
Here you go pea brain, how about a 37+ year study on all corona viruses immunity in humans.



Active Member
And the latest numbers I've seen say the unvaccinated are 7 times more likely to end up in the ICU or dead than someone vaccinated and boosted.
Here you go. 158 studies telling about the advance of natural imunity versus vaccinated



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Ok jenius, post a link to a legitimate scientific study that says any corona virus infection gives more than a short immunity window.

Here you go pea brain, how about a 37+ year study on all corona viruses immunity in humans.

It argues with itself. No coding these days all modules.


Active Member
Brownstone Institute is not peer-reviewed.

Nature is.

Have you tried open some of the studies in the link? Actually there is studies from Nature and many others