

Active Member
I'm going on vacation and I just started my grow. Should I take them with me or rig up a auto waterer ?:-?


Active Member
ok i will ask the obvious question... why didnt you wait till after your vacation to start your grow?:-?
Because while I was setting up my grow room, my friend had started the germination, hid them, and never told me till a day later.:evil::evil::evil:


Active Member
Hahahahah nice excuse bro
Lol, ya you caught me. Didn't want to seem like such a retard. I was high and all I could think about was getting more pot . So I was like " Why not start today!". I think im gonna make a watering system. How much water does a plant need a day?
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Well-Known Member
How long are you out of town for? maybe you can just put them in a large container if they're seedlings then they won't need to be watered for a week at least...


Active Member
How long are you out of town for? maybe you can just put them in a large container if they're seedlings then they won't need to be watered for a week at least...
Well it's Memorial Day weekend so I'll be gaone for 5 days. I was thinking I could put a pump from an aquarium on a timer so itd pump at a certain time, would that work?


Active Member
I ordered this, It waters every other day may be a bit much wheni go away for a week in july, so I may set up a timer to run it through (turn that every other day into 3 days). Automatic Plant Watering System: Home & Garden
i'm doing this []. do you guys think it will work? And do you think a plastic bag over the top (Held up by wire of course) would help it retain moisture?

A fast answer would be helpful for I am leaving for vacation in a few hours.

And that watering system is very interesting!:peace: