anything happening in Virginia that anyone knows about. Keep looking but I can't find anything that even suggests legislature has discussed it...
Nothing that I can find through web searches. As conservative as they are, I have a feeling Virginia will be one of the last states in the south to go medical, let alone legal, so you may be waiting for awhile unfortunately. Don't wait on the gov bro, go get your meds now if you really need them.


Well-Known Member
I did read something about proposing a bill but no bill yet. I read dc did, md did and i think nc will. I did read in the wash post that the only american to own a shop in amsterdam applyed for a license in dc. That means the owner of the grey area in a-dam. A top 5 shop in amsterdam in my opinion.

We need to vote. I shudder to think we let kid touchers go and lock up addicts. I have friends locked up for being addicted to painpills. They were selling them to eachother and all had scripts.. Its like a bartender tipping another 20 dollars then go to other bar and tip him with the same 20.


Well-Known Member
The Honorable George Barker
Virginia Senate
PO Box 396
Richmond, VA 23218

Re: Please review unfair laws.
Dear Senator Barker:
First i must say the our state's laws on Marijuana is dead wrong across the board. I do believe when these laws were first passed our fellow Virginian's had our best interests in mind. Now we have a better understanding of marijuana and it is time to update these laws to reflect recent findings. I know Virginia has some of the harshest laws on marijuana in the United States and its ruining peoples lives. Moreso then marijuana itself. Its time for us to show the entire country that we Virginians, though we are somewhat conservative, can still set the pace on foreward thinking.

With so many other state's passing laws allowing the use of medical marijuana it seems to no longer fit the SCHEADULE 1 CLASSIFICATION. I think that seriously ill patients should not be arrested for using medical marijuana according to their doctors' recommendations. Fourteen states have passed extremely popular laws to allow the doctor-advised, medical use of marijuana. These laws are working well and protecting sick and dying patients. Please consider introducing a similar bill to protect patients in our state.
M. Myers (Northern Virginia)
Sounds good, short and to the point, which will be best for them. I'd definitely get that sent out to them soon, and try to encourage more people to do the same. We are gonna be going medical here in NC soon, they are supposed to be voting sometime around July. I hope it passes for the sake of all the good people who need it.

Good Luck to all you people in VA. You guys have some of the harshest marijuana laws in the entire country, and even though I don't live there, I would be happy to see some positive change come about. :peace: